ratsyroo Member


  • I still want in! I'll post my goals tomorrow when I have more time. Excited to get back into things with a challenge. Thanks for doing this for us too =)
  • That is AMAZING! You should be so proud of yourself. Such an inspiration! And on top of that, you look great too.....Way To Go! My first 5K is May 12 and I hope to feel as wonderful as you did when I finish that race =)
  • I totally understand that...it's been the same way for me! For this week my goals are to cut out junk food and eat less carbs! I've gotten into the mentality that since I have burned enough calories, I can eat whatever I want: cookies, cheetos cake....which is okay if it's only occasional but I have been choosing those…
  • Gotta try these...I <3 cheesecake!
  • Ok, guys....I AM still here! The sudden death of a family member last week, and traveling for the funeral threw me off for a few days. I was up about a pound when I weighed in Monday, but I *think* I'm already back down to what I was the week before (had a lot of water weight from the southern-cooked sodium filled foods).…
  • I'm in for another month, please! Still trying to figure things out with this crazy plateau, but eating more did seem to help some this week. 149.6 Only .8 of a pound lost all month, and that was mostly just this week (eating back exercise cals)! Goals for week 1: Eat 1200 calories at day --this is NET--which will mean…
  • I've been at a plateau for quite a while now and honestly was having a bit of a breakdown yesterday over seeing that same number on the scale again. I'm doing better today. I think for this week I will : ~up my net calorie intake so that I'm getting at least 1200 NET calories, which means I'll be eating back most of my…
  • You look great! Thanks for the reminder about the scale not always being a good indicator of success. I wanted to chunk mine out the window last week but I can tell I'm more firm and losing inches--and even had someone comment that I looked thinner--despite that non-moving number on the scale. Keep up the good work!
  • @MarineWifey--let's do it! I'm only doing it every other day and I am a wimp when it comes to running. I'm hoping that through this program I will learn to be a runner...and love it! I need to be able to at least keep up with my hubby! @mobskee--Wow, you have a lot going on & many changes ahead. You seem to have a great…
  • My goals this week are pretty much the same as last week (alternating between C25k & powersculpt and CardioMax dvd, drink plenty of water, stay under 1200 consistently)...BUT my big one for this week is: no weighing until next Monday! I've gotten obsessed with stepping on the scale and then fighting feelings of…
  • My sister always called me "Ratsyroo" or even just "Rats" as a kid, so I just went with it! =) (Not sure WHY she called me that! lol I think my real name <Joy> is a nice name and short enough to not need a nickname, but guess older sisters have priveledge to call you what they want!) =P
  • Jalapeno cheddar cheetos. I can't buy them or have them in the house because I could eat a whole large bag by myself in one sitting!
  • :wink: That's awesome! Congrats on making your goal weight! :happy: They say that now the true test begins! :wink: I'll be cheering you on!
  • I think I need a new set of scales. I actually felt good about weighing this morning because I felt like I had a good first week. Well, when I first got on the scales, it said about 7 lbs loss (which I KNEW wasn't right), tried again, got the same number as last week, then consistently got 2 lbs MORE than last week!…
  • Way to go, Mandy and MarineWifey! :happy: Today was not as on track as it should have been. BUT tomorrow is gonna be great! Gonna really work on getting my water in tomorrow. Here's to a successful rest of the week!!
  • Oh--and I will weigh myself and reset my ticker (boo!) tomorrow morning! Here's to a great week! :drinker: (That's water, by the way!) :wink:
  • Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating…
  • I'm so sorry, guys...I feel like I've let all of you down as well as myself. I totally indulged in the high-calorie foods with little to no exercise the past 2 1/2 weeks and am up 5 lbs!!! :sad: Those 5 lbs were not easy to lose in the first place so I am very discouraged with myself. Doing my best to get back on track &…
  • Down 1 pound since last week to 147.2! Not a huge loss but I am thrilled considering I've been stuck going back & forth between 148-149.4 for a month, Thanks for the plateau-breaking advice, guys. This time of year is definitely the hardest for me~hard to resist all those Christmas goodies (and I like to bake which leads…
  • I am exactly the same weight I was last week. :grumble: I've been stuck in this rut for over a month now! I'm logging calories and exercising but it's not budging! Starting to get very discouraged. I'm going to try and add my C25K program back into my exercise and maybe zigzag my calories. I know everyone says you HAVE to…
  • Oh, Congrats, Dave! What a precious baby you have been blessed with =) Gaining a son is soooo much better than loosing a few pounds....but that is just icing on the cake for you. So happy for you!!! Thanks for sharing this awesome news and sweet picture with us. I got on here in a bit of a crabby mood since I'm the same…
  • I'm leaning toward P90...and working up to p90x eventually. The 30 DS has been a killer on my knees so I'm a little afraid to try any more videos by her right now. Congrats on running up to 10 miles in one stretch! That's awesome. I started C25K (finished week 2 only) but injured my ankle pretty badly and just got out of…
  • I'll check out that website! Thanks :)
  • Bump....looks pretty cool. I'll have to check it out! Which model do you use?
  • Hey, Joe! :smile: You have done great so far! Congrats! I'm only looking for a 4-5 lb weight loss by New Years as well since my scales are moving slowly but steadily. 1 lb loss at the most seems to be what works for me right now. But like you--my clothes are fitting better or are now too loose! :happy: Let's do this!
  • SO glad to see you back with us for this challenge, Mimi! =) You can do this....just seeing you back for a challenge shows your determination. I know we're going to seeing great success for you this month! Hope things are getting easier for you as the days go by.
  • My scale was doing the same thing! When I first got on it, it was saying I was up a pound! But after four more times of getting a consistent number (of a.2 loss), I went with that. And I also have the same mentality--"I worked out hard today and burned lots of calories so I can go eat whatever! Get me a burger and ice…
  • First week weigh in at 148.2. Only a .2 loss but glad to finally see a loss after two weeks of losing/gaining the same pound! I'm thinking I might actually have lost more, but the sodium I had over the past few days have me retaining water. =o/ Gonna work hard this next week, watch my sodium , drink more water, and get…