

  • congrats on the weight you have managed to lose so far :) and i tend to agree with you about the routine thing. i am kind of on and off with the healthy eating because i find it really hard to stick with it when i am going to school and busy with my son. i find that i do best and am able to stick to my eating best when i…
  • if you get a bike and then one of those kids carriers (they have ones you fasten to the bike or little carts that you pull behind) that would be a good way to do it. or you could go to the gym after she goes to bed (hard i know) or do a small home workout when she is napping if she still naps.
  • i generally avoid doing strenuous exercise on those days and do yoga or take a fast walk or a short bike ride. i also don't do any exercise on the heaviest days because that is when cramps and back pain are the worst for me so i take those days off.
  • you should be eating at least 1200 calories a day because less than that and your body will start holding onto every calorie from what you eat because it thinks you are strving to death. and yes, dieting you won't feel as full as you would if you ate what you want when you want in the quantities you want. you shouldn't…
  • i would say Kate Winslet or Catherine Zeta Jones. Both have larger builds and are curvy but not fat
  • am 23, feel free to add me
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