

  • A great recipe is to take fat free cool whip and put it between 2 graham cracker squares and freeze. I think 2 of them are 150 calories and they taste just like an ice cream sandwich. (This was out of the Biggest Loser cookbook) Another one to try is take a packet of fat free hot chocolate and make it like normal with hot…
  • You're ON. Definitely. I have been such a yoyo dieter and really want to stick to it this time. I am 40 years old now and in early menopause, so it seems so much harder than it used to be. So, throw out the rest of the cakes you have in the house, get out for a walk and get back on track and I promise not to buy any…
  • A little off subject and not sure where you live, but if you are looking for a first event to try, see if there is a Muddy Buddy race in your area. I had never done any kind of race before and I did it last June. It was the most fun I had exercising. I never thought I would be able to finish it, but I guess the adrenaline…
  • Hi. I am not "new" to this site, just hadn't been as dedicated as I am more recently and I was wondering how you don't get discouraged when you see that number increase just with adding more calories. For example, my first few days, I was way under my 1200 calories (not to mention adding on the exercise calories) and I was…