My arms are so fat!

jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so besides my stomach.. my arms are fat.. I can't even wear girly shirts because my arms are too fat to fit through the sleeves.. They are stretched bad!

Anyone know any tricks to helping this? And how to do the upper body weights atleast the right reps to tone them back down but not bulk them up?


  • My arms were larger at one point too but I found using weights within 2lbs to 5lbs helped a lot... just look up arm toning workouts online and I am sure you should find something... hope this helped...
  • You should try the WII Fit Plus program. It is great exercise for the entire body and it's fun too.
  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    We just got the Wii Fit that you said it is good for arms I am happy to start tonight!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hold your arms up and out (make your body look like a T) and do arm circles. Flip your hands over to tone other side of arms. When I am in front of the TV I try to make it through all of the ads doing this. It will burn at first a lot but after time goes on you will get stronger. Then you can add some weights, I use soup cans for now but soon I will move up again.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Okay, DO NOT worry about getting 'bulky', women can't. We have a very small fraction of the testosterone that men have which is what is required to become 'bulky'. A cardio workout routine is what you will need to do to work off the fat on your arms but doing some basic weight training on your arms will help them get more toned.

    Besides, all muscle is lean. When you hear people talk about lean muscle or muscle mass that is more of a marketing scheme. All muscle is lean. If you use REALLY heavy weight, take alot of muscle supplements, your muscle fiber content will increase but the fibers themselves are still lean.

    Work on it girl, you will certainly get there!! :)
  • If you should find that you like weight lifting (I love it - makes me feel powerful), fitness magazine has lots of different weight training programs online - you can even create your own exercise video (all it takes is a $16 per year subscription to use all of their services). Good luck!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My arms were pretty big when I started, and as I have lost weight, they have shrunk with the rest of me. Cardio is the key! My arms have shrank like 3 or 4 inches (not sure which) you progress, your arm jiggle will shrink as well :)
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I am going to start learning to run.. well I mean train I guess.. I want to do a run event sometime this year.. and I love to bike.. so there's my cardio.

    I thought about looking up pilates for arms.. I may just look up exercises in a few.

    Any tips on getting rid of the stretch marks as they go down?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    my arms were really fat too, when i lost weight the arms went down substantially even though i am now lifting HEAVY weights. do not be scared to do weight lifting, i love my new muscles.
  • I have always had fat arms but recenty when I walk I punch with my arms down and them keep moving them up and punch them out at different angles, I really think my arms are getting more toned. I am going to keep this up and Ill let you know how it goes. Good Luck, Ann
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    kgrutch- what reps to do you do? Is there a bad rep to do?

    aphilbeck- I'll try that! I remember on the wii I did the punching game a while back.. I WAS SO SORE.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    when i do weight training i do 15 reps, 3 sets but i also do some "group power" classes where you do lower weight but a ton of reps. i try to mix everything up, i feel like it more well rounded if you do a variety of things.
  • raqueluz
    raqueluz Posts: 8 Member
    The best exercise for flabby arms are tricep kickbacks, look them up on the web so you can see how they are done. I've burned a lot of fat doing them 3 times a week. I started with the 5lbs weights, and now I use the 8lbs. My arms have toned up a lot and believe me, it does shrink the flab, but you have to make sure you use weights that will cause resistance. THat's why you have to increase as your arms get stronger, you have to feel the burn otherwise is doing no good.

    I do 3 sets of 15 reps, I also incorporate exercices for the shoulders too.
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    great.. so basicly get my arms moving.. life some and lift a bit.. mix it up.. I can do that!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    bump - I need arm exercises too!
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    raquelez: I will try those too. These suckers better be gone soon enough!
  • A little off subject and not sure where you live, but if you are looking for a first event to try, see if there is a Muddy Buddy race in your area. I had never done any kind of race before and I did it last June. It was the most fun I had exercising. I never thought I would be able to finish it, but I guess the adrenaline kicks in and you just keep going. Just do a search for Muddy Buddy and you should find their site and see where they have them and when. It is a 5-7 mile race that you do with a partner. One starts out running and the other starts out riding. After about a mile, you both do a fun challenge (walking across a balance beam or something like that), then you switch. If you ran the first, then you ride the second and so on. At the very end, you and your partner have to crawl through a giant mud pit. It was so much fun. People get really into it and sometimes even dress up (like a husband and wife team being a bride and groom). Anyway, good luck:)
  • My arms were really large when I started my journey, they run in my family so I was not to surprised. I do strength training and pilates and my arms have really slimmed down. I can wear cute girly tops now without the sleeves being extremely tight. As far as stretch marks they will probably never go away completely but as you lose they will become less noticable and smaller. Cocoa Butter is also good to use to make them lighter and smoother.
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    I just got cocoa butter tonight! But thanks for the tip. It says for weightloss/stretchmarks.. yay

    I looked up muddy buddies.. Im from Okla. so not having any luck finding any.. Sounds fun though.
  • I am a personal trainer and crossfit, I want to tell you that, it is almost impossible for women to bulk up only from lifting heavy weight, you need supplements , and, I order for you to lose fat, you need muscles. In simple language, muscle eat fat. Don't worry, find out what is 60% of your 1max rep and do at least 10-12 reps and 4-6 sets as a beginner. For more visit our site
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