arrexu Member


  • I also have mixed feelings about this movement of "fat acceptance" that I see on the internet these days. I think it's great that fat women are running their own "fatshion" blogs and showing that fat people can be fashionable and ANYONE can look good and fashionable regardless of body size and shape type if they find the…
  • Feel free to add me, I'm 25 and 230 pounds. Would love to support you! :)
  • I weigh myself every day. I do it so I can see how the food I ate the day before affects my weight, as well as to gauge the amount of water retention I have just before, during, and after my period. I am aware that weight fluctuates on a daily basis, but I don't see that as a reason to not keep weighing yourself every day.…
  • I understand where you, the OP, are coming from. I had an old boyfriend who was a food pusher. Whenever I got serious about losing weight, he suddenly had all of these cravings for really unhealthy food. He'd insist on going out and getting dinner when I wanted to stay home and cook. It was hurtful because I would talk to…
  • How wonderful to find a thread already asking where the gamers are on MFP. :D I enjoy playing video games, although I struggle to find the time sometimes. I recently "beat" Pokemon Black and am now running around Unova with the National PokeDex looking for ALL OF THE POKEMON. O_O I also really enjoy the Legend of Zelda…
  • Well, maybe, but what would have happened if she had just started eating 3 meals a day all of a sudden, without changing the meal sizes? Would her metabolism been able to compensate for the extra calories coming in if she didn't increase exercise? 3 meals every 2 days averages out to 1.5 meals a day, so she's essentially…
  • ^^ This, thank you for summing up what my thoughts were exactly! Eating 3 meals every 2 days is not healthy!
  • I believe the grocery shopping one... especially if your local grocery store likes to move items around on a regular basis so you spend an extra 20 minutes searching for something and deftly maneuvering your cart around the slower people. XD