

  • (1) Yes I am a gamer (2) Any console :D Right Now currently working on Diablo 3 Nightmare, I will be playing Fallout Vegas next and then Borderlands 2!! Yaaay! My Xbox is currently broken so I'm searching for a new one to fit my hard drive. If I don't end up getting an Xbox soon I'll work on torchlight and Portal 1 and 2…
  • Age: 23 Height: 5'3.75 SW:200 CW:179 GW:120-130 We can do this ladies!
  • Hi everyone! I'm really happy there's a reddit group on here! Makes me feel support already! I just want to thank all of you for being here. I'm currently 165lbs and 5'3. My goal is to get down to 140. I'm getting married in October this year, but I want to be a healthy weight for life. I'm hoping to comment on all of your…
  • I'm getting married November 17 2012! It's time to start getting serious! I would love to have some brides-to-be friends on here to help all of us stay on track!