

  • I had a serious problem with sweets as well. I could eat a half of Mrs. Smith apple pie in one sitting, Logging my food on MFP has curbed my "empty calorie binges". After logging in 3 cookies at 630 calories, I was done with sweets until I get to my goal weight. Then I will treat myself to a chocolate nut sundae. i'll just…
  • I'm having the same issue. The problem is I eat until I'm full. I've tried to keep eating to get the calories in but I can't do it. I enjoy working out and that calories I'm burning is putting me four to six hundred below my daily recommended intake. I've read studies that say, eat until you are full but MFP says that I'm…
  • I need some accountability so I'm in... Start date- 20 July End Date 20 Sept CW-185 DCG- 1400 End of challenge 165 Week 1 Weight in: 185 W2W: W3W: W4W: W5W: W6W: W7:W Final Weigh in: