Ok, I have a problem with sweets...candy, cake, pies...whatever. It's bad...I can not even be hungry at all and still shove a piece of Coconut Cream Pie in my face. Literally one day, I hate nothing but cookies and cake for the entire day. I feel terrible in the evenings...drained. I get so angry with myself for giving in, but I can't turn the sweets away. Does anyone have any advice on how to curb these cravings? How do I stop this sweet tooth?


  • monstercakes
    monstercakes Posts: 78 Member
    keep them out of the house if possible!! try some lower calorie treats if you really can't do without. caramel rice cakes, skinny cow ice cream.. anything to that effect!
    i recommend doing a sugar detox for a few days. you won't crave as much after <3
    good luck!
  • Kiki829
    Kiki829 Posts: 60 Member
    I am just like you... swwets is my major weakness. I have eliminated them for now, with the exception of some sugar-free chocolates and sugar-free ice cream I have every now and then. I also bought these Blue Diamond Almonds that are butter-toffee flavored, and they are AMAZING! I am finally getting over my sugar cravings, and I even said "no" to a piece of cake at a birthday party!! That is HUGE for me! Bottom line- try cutting them out for a a few weeks.
  • mamacitaclaude
    I had a serious problem with sweets as well. I could eat a half of Mrs. Smith apple pie in one sitting, Logging my food on MFP has curbed my "empty calorie binges". After logging in 3 cookies at 630 calories, I was done with sweets until I get to my goal weight. Then I will treat myself to a chocolate nut sundae. i'll just have to work out an extra 45 min to work it off. Think of the calories you are waisting on things that are not healthy. You want to nourish your body with healthy foods and give yourself a treat every now and then. I still eat cookies but only one and not a half a pack. Hang in there....
  • Livnstrong9
    keep them out of the house if possible!! try some lower calorie treats if you really can't do without. caramel rice cakes, skinny cow ice cream.. anything to that effect!
    i recommend doing a sugar detox for a few days. you won't crave as much after <3
    good luck!

    This. I am definitely a carb addict in general (sooooo many of us are). Try replacing a piece of pie with some fruit. Maybe fresh strawberries and chocolate syrup as a first step. Those things that I crave madly are not kept in my house anymore (pasta, bread, cupcakes, cookies, etc.). This way, it takes significant amount of time and effort to go get what I am craving. Usually, by the time that happens, I have convinced myself that I do not need it and have chosen something else.

    As far as the sugar detox, this is my bottom line on eating in general. Try to rid your diet of as much ADDED sugar as possible and you will not only lose weight, you will feel SO much better. This way, when that craving comes, you can have a cookie...but only one. Those days when you eat a load of cookies, ask yourself how much you truly enjoyed each bite of that cookie. I'd be willing to bet only the first few bites were amazing. Only AMAZING calories are worth it.

    You'll get there, this is a process.
  • jhaynie722
    Thanks for the advice!
  • 40goneby40
    40goneby40 Posts: 37 Member
    Do you drink soda? I cut out Diet Coke and it's amazing how much that has reduced my craving for sweets.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    WILL POWER!!!!!! :P
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Do you drink soda? I cut out Diet Coke and it's amazing how much that has reduced my craving for sweets.

    This has definitely been true for me too. I never thought I'd be able to make it through even a few days without some kind of dessert/candy but since I stopped drinking diet coke, I really don't think about it much. Yesterday was the first time someone put a slice of cake in my face and I said "no thanks". It was difficult and as she was walking away with it I wanted to tackle her, but I know it's the best decision in the long run. I keep sugar free pudding in the fridge for emergencies :)
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member
    Do you drink soda? I cut out Diet Coke and it's amazing how much that has reduced my craving for sweets.

  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I agree, try to keep sweets out of the house. It'll help a lot.

    Also, if I crave something and know I shouldn't have it because it will mess my cal intake for the day, I usually make myself wait till the hour (it's 3:05? I wait till 4); it's a good trick, by the time the hour arrives, I am over that craving or busy and don't even remember about it anymore! And I always ask myself if I am really hungry or if it's just me wanting that snack/sweet. Listen to your body.