Mandeez77 Member


  • I did the math. I lost weight once and since gaining it back I've been saying I did it a few years ago; I can do it again. Then I realized I had been saying it for ten years. I got so disgusted with myself I shut up and started doing instead.
  • Sounds like your timing for workouts isn't working. If possible, don't try getting up so early to do an adult workout. Later in the day, start having a play hour with the kids and make it physically active. Those little ones can create a darn good workout just running around. Try whiffleball, kickball, even tag.
    in Why? Comment by Mandeez77 September 2012
  • My clicking moment was just a month ago. I was talking with a friend about how just a few years back I had lost 60 lbs. Adding it up, it was TEN years ago. I felt so stupid that I had been doing nothing but talking about getting into shape. It was embarrassing. I've lost 8 lbs this month doing Insanity: Asylum. I've…