

  • So you are eating a solid, healthily looking diet, taking in 1600-1800 cals a day and seem to be moderately accurate. Sounds like a solid setup there, and once (as mentioned above) the peak water weight comes off and settles down you should see sustained loss. Good luck!
  • Haha. I actually cropped my dad out of this picture (though he's an older version of my 2nd photo!) People have always said I looked old for my age, maybe now I'm back down to where I actually am! (31)
  • Wow thanks for all the responses! Big smile on my face now. No big secrets here, I think there has been two slight changes I've made that made the biggest results 1) I used to drink about 10 small cups a day of white coffee machine coffee - that's 55cals per cup or 550 cals per day - got rid of that! 2) Smaller lunches,…
  • Yes - I've gone from about 220 to 175 and have stopped snoring! Happy days
  • I eat the salads most days for lunch at work - I find them filling and tasty, certainly better than the offerings from Pret say. Tried a few of the ready-meals and some are better than others, but for the occasional hot lunch - fine.
  • And go for good English tailoring - I buy all my work-wear from Charles Tyrwhitt in Jermyn St London - but they also sell online to the states|||||||||||||||
  • It's also entirely possible you've got a low grade form of Asthma. When I've had my inhaler medication I can happily do about 5k in 35 mins - but last night I forgot to before I headed out and had to bail under a mile in as my chest was so tight, fighting to draw breath etc. Got home, had my steroid inhaler and was back to…
  • Just because it's got a long and scary sounding name doesn't mean it's not "natural" From wikipedia - "Xylitol is found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables, and can be extracted from various berries, oats, and mushrooms, as well as fibrous material such as corn husks and sugar…
  • Nandos - Double Chicken Pitta, with extra cheese and extra hot sauce. Pizza - all the pizza, all the time. Stuffed crust if I could get my hands on it.