

  • did you manage to get back to it? Hope you're feeling better!
  • during the punches I think, she says "exhale exhale exhale"...not sure about everyone else but I try and keep my breathing nice and controlled and even, not super fast? maybe I'm doing that bit wrong!
  • I'm taking weekends off but still doing 30min on the treadmill so burning 250-300 cal on there brisk walk+incline. 550 ish with the Shred
  • Just did day 3, Level 1. Gosh it's killing me!! haha :) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I am doing 30 minutes in the treadmill each evening and Shred in the afternoon so I'm not really letting my body recover too much. No shred on the weekend though just treadmill. I am getting through it slightly better…
  • Glad I'm not the only one getting ambushed by my toddler!! Completed day 2 level 1 today - in the house alone made it much easier :) No child hanging on my leg as I jump around :0
  • wow huge difference! I like what she says about struggling at the beginning with jumping jacks but now finding them a breeze, that is a nice thought! I struggle with the squats so badly!
  • let me attempt this... and these are obviously BEFORE pictures. haha Ok so to post pictures, upload the picture to...flickr, tinypic, photobucket or wherever. Then use the link code with the [img][/img]
  • Just finished Day 1, Level 1....with my toddler jumping on me while I did push ups, sit ups and star jumps/jumping jacks. ha.
  • ooh yay. I just tracked down my DVD and was planning to start tomorrow. I would LOVE some extra motivation/accountability! I have attempted it before, day one kicks butt...very sore the following day. Wish I didn't know what I was in for! But the success stories are too hard to ignore!