

  • Kingston, Ontario
  • Kingston, On
  • I haven't had a yeast infection in years but when I was young as soon as I started taking the birth control pills, I got a yeast infection. Once I swelled up like a balloon in that area. How embarressing at the age of 19 to have to go to the hospital and have an unknown doctor treat me. The burning was terrible and going…
  • I have had plantar fascitis for a year now. It has improved immensely since I started wearing Berkinstocks. I also have orthotics. What has helped is the plantar fascitis brace I purchased and wear most nights. It keeps my foot stretched so when I get up in the morning there's no pain. I also have finn comfort shoes from…
  • You should be very proud of yourself. You look great. Its easy to say you're going to lose weight but applying them and following through is a big accomplishment. Never doubt yourself. What you have done is something that has made you what you are today. A wonderful human being. Never forget. Keep up the good work.
  • Don't give up the walking. I do it at least 5 times a week. Its a great way to start your day. Journalling is great. Once you get into a routine its much easier. I know what my breakfast will be from Mon to Fri. I very seldom change it, so I can record at one time for those five days. I know what I will be eating for the…
  • Trust me it works if your journal. Having done weight watchers I've learned if you can see what you eat on paper than it gives you incentive to improve. I lost 40 lbs a few years ago by exercise and watching the amount of food I eat. I haven't changed what I eat, because I feel the food I eat is very healthy, it was just…
  • You've done so well and look absolutely beautiful. You've accomplished so much. Keep up the good work.
  • Good for you. That is a big success. Its been 10 years for me and 3 for my daughter. She is a little older than you and started smoking when she was 15. Smoking is a bad habit and I feel one of the hardest ones to break. So give yourself a pat on the back. One day at a time and you will succeed.
  • What a difference and you look so young, healthy and happy. Keep it up.
  • I too am a chocolate lover, which caused the weight gain along with large portions of good healthy food. I find if I allow myself a bit of sweets than the cravings will go away. Fibre 1 have a new brownie out that is 110 cal. It is so chocolate and I love it. One is great and I don't want every day. Trust me sweets are the…
    in Cravings Comment by Holliday2 July 2012
  • Congrats from here in Canada. You look great. My lst week and am down 3 lbs. My goal is 30. I will be happy with 1lb a week, easier to keep it off. Love journalling, have done it in the past with weight watchers. I know how to eat healthy, it was the portion size that was way off track. Love hearing how people are doing.…
  • I just started a week ago and love this program. Journalling and knowing what you eat gives you motivation to improve each day. The lst week for me went well. You will succeed.
  • Congratulations. Such a difference. I know that as soon as you hear diet you're starving all the time. I've found the best way to lose weight is to journal. I'm much older, but trust me the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. If you know how to eat healthy and try to avoid eating out and stay within portion…