New Member

Hello everyone - I just signed up to continue on my weight loss journey with MyFitnessPal! My daughter just started college (culinary) and her professor told her about MFP and she passed the info to me. She knows I have a great desire to lose all these extra pounds and I am not one to ask for help. She felt this would be a great way to get the support I need from those that are working through the battle!

I need friends! I need your support. I have lost over 13 inches and about 20 pounds in about 6 months with most of it within the last 2 to 3 months. I am an empty nester as of this past weekend and with my youngest being gone I am trying to re-define my life without children. So, what better way than to lose these 80+ pounds!

I hate tracking my food, I am hoping this tool makes it easy. One thing I wish this tool had was it integrated with a barcode scanner to san the items that I eat if they are pre-packaged. I am starting to get away from all the pre-packaged food and go with the eating clean frame of mind, but for those things I do eat that have a barcode that would be great.

I was thinking of the exercise thing. Yep, I know I get to do it, but need something low impact until I drop some of this extra weight. I was thinking of a rowing machine and a bike trainer...what do you think?

Boy do I need help! I look at all this weight and I get so overwhelmed. I quit smoking 3 years ago, stopped drinking diet soda 2 years ago, and just gave up table sugar (I loved sweet tea). I don't eat bread/buns/bagels/biscuits and if I eat any type of breading it is pizza crust and whole wheat wraps. Guess weight lost!!! No wonder people go back to old habits. If there are no results than why go through the pain!

I use to be a huge sweet eater...late night of course. I have stopped all of that. I am not saying I don't have the occasional sweet, but no more big bag of cookies in one sitting. I only eat sea food, chicken, turkey, some pork, and occasionally red meat.

Why I am telling you all this...because as I said before, I need your help and I need to understand what I am doing wrong. I was walking about 1.5 to 2 miles a night (4X week) and I stopped because I was getting so discourage due to no weight loss I figured I would try to get the eating plan figured out and then pick up exercise again.

Thanks for listening to the ranting! I look forward to the journey!

Has anyone tried the FitBit? Good, Not good? For a beginner?

FFWL (Friends for Weight Loss) :flowerforyou:


  • GaryGina
    GaryGina Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning, I'm not one to give to much advise because I feel we are simular from what I read about you. I don't think giving up the walking is the answer though, I just started walking again 2 weeks ago and I feel so much better. I have a job that I sit all day and I used to go home at nite eat supper and just sit in evenings. Good luck to you though.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Welcome! So glad you decided to come here and I hope it really helps you a lot. I thought someone told me the site has a barcode scanner if you have an iphone. I don't have one so I can't really say about that. But I don't find it all that difficult to log my food. Take some time out and do it all at once in the morning and then you don't have to worry the rest of the day. As far as exercise you could just start walking your neighborhood. When my husband and I started at our gym in the end of February there was a woman there who was older than us and said she had knee problems and wouldn't be able to do a lot of the exercises. The other day I say her doing a fast walk/light jog on the treadmill. It's amazing what you find you can do when you push yourself a little. Don't give up, don't lose sight. If you are doing something and aren't losing weight, try something else. The most important thing is to stick with it and remember that you are looking for a healthier happier you! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Good Luck!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good Morning you came to the right place,you may add me I'll be your friend & support you
  • Don't give up the walking. I do it at least 5 times a week. Its a great way to start your day. Journalling is great. Once you get into a routine its much easier. I know what my breakfast will be from Mon to Fri. I very seldom change it, so I can record at one time for those five days. I know what I will be eating for the day in the morning so I record it and add in the evening my snacks and I am done. Its like brushing your teeth, something you do every day and don't think about it. Remember this is to get you healthy, the program is free. I have done Dr. Bernstein, WW, and many diets. This one allow me to eat what I want as long as I don't go over my calories. It motivates me to stay within the calorie count. The support is wonderful and its nice to make friends who are in the same situation as yourself. You can friend me if you like. You will enjoy this journey.
  • Welcome! I'm new here too, I'm not sure I'm great at giving advice but I'm definitely great for support.
  • Thanks so much! I did feel better when I walked :) Helped work the stress out. I seem to always let the scale get the best of me. Thanks to all of you that gave great words of encouragement and hope that I someday can offer the same in turn.

    :flowerforyou: Leandra
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi! I sent you a friend request-I'm a fellow Ohioan! I love alot of the changes you've made and I commend you for that! Giving up diet soda??? I try....I really do, so I think it's great that you have!

    And by the way, download Myfitnesspal on your smart phone--it has a barcode scanner :)