

  • Peace & Blessings You should 1) Pray for them 2)Talk to them 3) Pray for them 4) take care of yourself The only life you have control over is your own, we can't control the actions or inactions of others. Be good to yourself and know that you tried your best. their future does not lay on your shoulders, but their own.…
  • As Sallamu Alaykum everyone my name is Baseema which means smiling :smile: I took Shahadah on September 1, 2010 The best and most important decision I have ever made. I am new to MFP (only about a week) Soooo glad I found a Muslim group for support and motivation InshaAllah we can help one another obtain our goals. I am 41…
  • Would like to join group looking for the group now will be weighing in tomorrow. Thanks for the invite.
  • Well my name represents my alter ego "Lola" and who is Lola you might ask? well Lola is "ME" only a sexier me since I have gained weight I haven't felt like "Lola" So I chose the name getnback2lola because thats my goal is to get back to a more sexier me more confident me. another description for me of the name "Lola"…
  • Peace & Blessings to all: The waist trimmer is a great question. I use to wear one when exercising and it worked for me, I was just thinking this morning while going for my walk that I should get another one to help speed up the shedding of inches around my mid section. Up until recently I was wearing a whole sauna suit…
  • I just went to the information session last night whewwwww that man can talk lol however very informnative I am begining my 3 month supervised diet now will see primary care next week. I think My Fitness Pal is a good way to track my diet/exercise. I'm soooo motivated to get healthier. I believe the lap band is the right…
  • Thanks for the add about Lapband I am in the process of preparing to have the procedure and will be going to an information session next week and due to my insurance I have to track my diet and exercise for 3 months and then I can get scheduled for the surgery my goal is early January or Feb. Soooo tell me some of the…
  • Myself: My sexy lips, my legs, and my breast. Him: His smile, chest, and arms.