LouisaRoots Member


  • hi welcome, i also suffer with depression, and when i cant handle things i emotionally binge it, i used to keep it very secret from family but now im honest about it, and can hand on heart say i havent had an episode in a long time, i have 10 weeks till my holiday and also want to try for a baby and want to lose a stone by…
  • i used to enjoy the ea sports active, you have a heart rate monitor on your arm and strap on your thigh it covers everything running squats jumping, toning, have a look for it on you tube to get a gist of it, the second one was much better than the first
  • love - running, zumba, skipping hate, squats, lunges, plank etc found a decent dvd recently its a rosemary conley one, i did it for an hour burnt 400 cals, and the next day i could feel where it had worked, i liked it as it covered all the things i hate to do that i should do for results but you only did a couple then…
  • i have been yo yo dieting for the last 3 years, and at my heaviest was 18 stone, and joined rosemary conley and got down to 13 stones and felt amazing, all heading for a holiday went on holiday put on a stone and never got back into it last year i decided to try ww, the new plan allowed me 29 points plus my weekly 49…
  • ok that definition is amazing, dont worry about the scales they will catch up , people dont look at you say you look like you weigh less, they say wow you look slimmer, youve just motivated me to start it so thank you x
  • hi im new too, im 34 and want to lose weight to plan for my first baby, i would like to get down to around 12 stone, ive previously been successful and lost 5 stone in the last 3 years, but starting to creep up and want to sort it now and for good, anyone interested in a buddy add me