

  • That is awesome! You must feel great! Congrats!
    in VICTORY! Comment by buxyblue April 2013
  • Scales don't tell the whole story, if you are gaining muscle mass it takes up less space than fat, but weighs more. How are your clothes fitting? That would be your best bet to tell you how you are doing!
  • You're human! Don't beat yourself up, carry on like everyone else said. If you don't eat today, you will get very hungary and then you will probably over eat again. Then how will you feel. Are you trying to ween yourself off sugar? I would love to do this, but it just tastes too good. But I have noticed how crappy it makes…
  • What you have accomplished so far is totally awesome! keep that in mind when you get down. You will have those days, everyone does. Imagine how you will feel when you reach your goal and look down and see that the scale says 150!! Do you have a plan to reach your goals? How are you going to do it?
  • You can add me too if you want. I am part of a group and we keep eachother motivated. It makes it so much easier. What type of goals do you have?
  • No you are not the only one who feels this way! Have you looked around lately? A lot of people feel this way. The question you should ask yourself is - do you want to feel better? You will get to the point where you will come home and look forward to your exercise. What program do you do?
  • That just means more salad for you!
  • I love that quote! It is so true! My dog eats better than I do, well she used to anyway, I've gotten better. Where are you finding your quotes? I could use some myself!
  • There's a very simple reason why you keep making mistakes, YOU'RE HUMAN! I am no expert, but I think you need to decide WHY you want to lose weight. That is your most important thing that will keep you going. When you start trying to lose again you have to keep your WHY in your mind when you want to cheat. You know how…
  • Dearest cookie monster, if you are looking for cookies to be friends with you, you might want to change your pic to a more "cookie-friendly" one! I'm just sayin.....
  • Hi there! You will find that this website will really help you realize where your eating habits are sabotaging you. If you are looking for more support feel free to message me, I belong to a great support group and we really help each other along our journey. Good luck!
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