

  • Taylor5877 has a point. It sounds like you're doing quite a bit of exercise throughout the week anyhow and I commend you! Keep up the good work!! I know how you feel though - I'm the same way...I want results yesterday! Lol but it all takes time :)
  • Totally bendyournotes! I feel the exact same way...not sure how to create, plan & execute meals. It's a hassle in a half! It's probably how I let everything get out of hand with my weight...but before I starting worrying about my lbs. I used to get all shaky and to fix this I went to the go-to: pop, ice cream etc. before…
  • Ahhhhsome! Very cool - keep up the good work! Very motivational, as well :)
  • Yup, I'm the biggest I've been in a long time and hate it! I'm so super sad at how I let things slide - now I'm just WAY TOO MUCH overweight and I hate it. I can't wait to kick 75 lbs off!
  • I have a horrible habit of soda pop and that's my number 1 deal breaker. But the junk food, ice cream and eating whatever with zero exercise does not help either. Well today is day #2 of this new breaking calories in half - I just hope it don't break me in half lol It doesn't help that I'm hypoglycemic too :(