

  • When I was in the military (along time ago), they always stressed that muscle weighs more than fat and that is why they do body fat percentage.. Even if you are not losing weight, it sounds like you are getting ripped!!! Great job!! : )
  • You look great, I noticed that even your facial features are stronger. I have issues with my neck and chin area (along with everything else) and was hoping that losing the weight would help make that go away... Thanks for sharing your results!!!
  • I am working on small changes too, so you are not alone! I have also "rewarded" myself for good behavior. I have a real sweet tooth and love smoothies!! I make them at home with ice, fresh fruit, lowfat milk and splenda in place of the sugar!! I have cut out sooo many calories like this and honestly, it tastes the same to…
  • AWSOME!!! Thanks for the inspiration!! I, too, feel like it is not a "diet", just allows me to make educated decisions on what I eat...You look great!! And I love the "things I can do now" list!! : )