Huckle97 Member


  • I am on day 3, I would love to join.
  • I am on day 3 of Medifast and I figured I would be gung ho and just figure out the lean and green meals. But man.. if you use Sandy's Kitchen.. I mean she shows you how to eat AMAZINGLY. Like.. I was just gonna eat grilled salmon and sauetted peppers... but she's got special mac and cheese, cauliflower pizza etc. It's new…
  • I am an avid runner, I absolutely LOVE running, though recently I forget and need the push to go out the door. I push my daughter in the stroller and we have a half marathon this weekend (3/22). I am really excited for it!!! Stick with it everyone. Running is a million times worth it!!!! And I love that no matter what…
  • Thank you everyone so much for your encouraging words and suggestions. This morning i had the negativity in my head but I powered through. Today I did 3.6miles without stopping. I know I have a long way to go in a short time, but I feel very confident I can do it!!! You are all near and dear to my heart now!!!
  • I don't mind switching to hiking, but I built an entire vacation around the run, that's its important to me that I don't walk within the race. I've never walked in a race before and I don't want to start now. Plus I forgot I have a 200mile relay race in November... The Ragnar relay. Anyway. I can do this. I definitely have…
  • Soda has always been a biggest challenge- I wake up craving soda. I truly drink a minium of 2L of soda a day- more when I'm working since we have soda fountains. I decided to start adding the Crystal Light packets to my water, just to SEE if I'll start drinking water. Yesterday I drank over 13cups of water. Its the sweets…
  • I'd hire someone to cook all my meals, and tell me what to eat and when. I have the time to cook usually, but I don't know how to make it taste good and still be super healthy, and I get bored with the same foods over and over again. I'm also afraid to try cooking new foods- I figure if I screw it up thats money out the…