

  • Awesomeness. On pinterest (and other places I suppose, I just found them on Pinterest) you can also find work outs for watching shows, like if you're watching Doctor Who, and the Doctor says "run!" do 15 squats, or if you hear the TARDIS sound do 20 crunches. Fun times. :)
  • A Girl's Guide to Homelessness by Brianna Karp. It's an autobiography I happened to spot at my local library and it was one of the most difficult and fascinating stories I've ever read. Ms. Karp has to be one of the most diligent, hardworking people I've ever "met" and her story of ingenuity, triumphs, and tragedy was…
  • Hello! I'm Rachel, most people call me Rach. I'm currently readying The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling, and Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright. I've restarted my MFP and I'm just now wading into the community side of the site. I'm glad I found…
  • I'm American, and I've seen all three episodes of series 3. If you loved Mary in this episode, you will love her more and more. Just wait! So, so good. Did anyone else think that Sherlock trying to repay Molly for her help was one of the sweetest things ever?