survivor1952 Member


  • 8 1/2 years is wonderful, congrats! I am at 12 1/2 years now. Absolutely add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • When I was in high school I had long black hair (think Cher) Now I have short blonde hair. When I was in high school I was probably 25 lbs thinner (that's why I'm on MFP) When I was in high school I was a "goody two shoes" definitely NOT!:laugh:
  • I hear you! My family makes fun of me wearing sweaters when its 90 out. I found this winter that I wore a lot of neck scarves (very fashionable!) and they really helped keep me warm. Somehow just having my neck area wrapped kept me warm. My own fashion statement.
  • Great job! Tell me what you did to get those great arms??? My grandkids call my arms "grammy arms" I REALLY need to firm them up.
  • I either buy flavored coffee or add cinnamon to the grounds before brewing. I add 1 tsp. sugar ( I quit artificial sweetners due to thyroid problems) I also add a bit of French vanilla creamer (I buy sugar free kind) Maybe about 50 calories.:drinker:
  • Thank you! I agree. I still am obsessed that I must get on that scale every morning but I really put more credibility in how my clothes fit. I still need the scale to keep myself in line and disciplined but I don't go all nuts (like I used to) if I am up a few pounds (if I know I was good). p.s. I can weigh myself before…
  • Oh I see second part of your do you deal with it? Well, I have a pretty healthy outlook since tackling breast cancer. The answer I have is, I take it one day at a time and I consider this" just a speed bump, not a roadblock". There are so many people who have it worse and have more serious illnesses so all…
  • I have Hashimotos too. And...I am pre-diabetic (I take Metformin) I am a 12 1/2 year survivor of breast cancer (my immune system was also compromised from chemotherapy) and I take meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So I have a few multi symptoms along with the thyroid. Feel Free to add me as a friend.…
  • Yes and No. Sometimes I feel it but then I will get a "present" of cheesecake, etc. & I think not. But...I have reached the point in my life where I have realized, support or no support, this is MY journey & I have to be my own support. Plus I have MFP friends who understand my ups & downs and are here for me in good times…
  • I don't think its the meds either. I do not experience any difference in how my body reacts to alcohol and I take several different meds for other issues along with my Synthroid.
  • I am just reopening mine today. I was not keeping track for awhile while I was having some health adjustments.
  • Your last sentence is soooo important...ALL UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS. It is so important to let your doctor/endo/specialist know what all (including over the counter) pills you are taking. I keep mine on my computer & print out a copy any time I go see ANY of my drs. Some of these supplements should not be interacted with…
  • I agree with Lauren. We are supposed to be here as support. There are times when we all get that "I'm starving" feeling. For me personally, it is a sign to me that 1-I need more food or 2-my meds are not working properly or 3-I am having an emotional day. That's just me. You didn't say if this was just today or an ongoing…
  • :sick: Had to quit eating them. Bananas is one of the foods that cause my diverticulosis to act up. Major abdominal pains!
  • Oh yeah! Love my coffee & cappuccino. My Kuerig gets a workout!
  • wow, I do lemons but never heard of cucumbers & lemons in water before. Have to go buy both tonight & try.
  • Hello everyone. I am Rosemarie from the North Hills (Ross Twp) I would like to get any information about activities in North Park.
  • I have Hashimoto's, had Isthmus of thyroid removed 1 1/2 years ago. Take synthroid. Be sure to visit thyroid topics. Lots of us post there. Should have said Group Forums on Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism instead of thyroid topics...
  • never had that happen & I color every 6 weeks. I take thyroid meds, blood pressure med, cholestrol meds...
  • YOU got sent back to grocery store??? I am guessing he has 2 arms & legs that work...if he wants different food, he can shop, he can cook. Sounds like you have him spoiled. I used to tell my kids, this is what I made, eat it (or at least try it) this is what the meal is! Also, you need to try to get a new mind set. People…
  • Quit Facebook about 3 years ago. Thought it was "safe"...Ha! Someone hacked on my page/friends and I had Big Problems!!! Do not trust it, don't need to hear/read useless crap. I agree totally with you.
  • Get checked for diverticulitis, diverticulosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrom. I have IBS and Diverticulosis and I get major abdominal pain just like you are describing. I have started a list of things that flare my diverticulosis up. Bananas is the latest addition to the list. Nuts do it, so does pepperoni. Keep that food…
  • Tami - Wow! Your story is awesome. Yes, I too wish this was a more active survivor site. That was my intention when I started it. We alll have different stories to share. The best support comes from other breast cancer survivors. I am at 12 1/2 years now & I am very open about talking about my journey. I wish you continued…
  • This could be just my body but here is my story... I have been on levothyroxine for the past year. Symptoms were not as bad but still were there (cold, exhaustion, etc.) I needed a refill before my appt. (few weeks). Called the dr. (endo) office to get a refill sent to pharmacy. I said "I need my synthroid refilled" They…
  • That beautiful smile says it all. You look soooo happy & you deserve to be! I am glad to see you did it slow too. I truely believe if it is done slowly it stays off. Kepp up the good work, very proud of you!
  • After a L O N G winetr, we are finally opening our weekend camp this weekend. I can get back to: Walking 3-5 miles Sunday & Monday each weekend Drinking more water each day (outdoors a lot!) Being more active (bocce ball, outdoor games) Exercising a little each day during the week
  • I am cold day & night. I have socks on all the time, sweater or sweatshirt, etc. & I still am cold. With me it is not just a night issue. I think all of us are different on this. Recently when I had my script renewed, the dr. office called in Synthroid instead of the levothyroxine (sp?) I had been on. I know these are…
  • I was on levothyroxine for the last year for hypo & Hashimotos. I felt a little better but still had bouts with tiredness & being cold - my two biggest complaints. When I called the endo for refill when my prescription had no more refills ( I was a month away from my check up ) they called in a script for Synthroid instead…
  • Welcome "irhyme"!