Deleting items off foods list
I no longer eat a lot of the foods that I previously had on my "add foods" list. I would like to delete some foods so the list is more to my current use, but I don't see a way to get the items deleted. Any help?
Survivors with other health issues
Would be interested to hear from breast cancer survivors who also have additional health issues. In addition to being a breast cancer survivor (12 1/2 years) I have thyroid problems (Hashimotos disease) high blood pressure, high cholesterol, I am pre-diabetic and have diverticulosis. I think I am a victim of "bad…
Where are all you survivors?
I joined this group months ago but no one seems to be posting at all anymore. Thats really disappointing because as survivors we need to share our journey & each day for us is a victory. Please share your story of diagnosis, treatment, fears, successes. It is amazing how hearing the stories of others gives us strength and…
Foods to cut out/avoid???
Recently I saw a post where several people commented about not eating broccolli & cauliflower. I have Hashimoto's and had 1/3 of my thyroid removed. My endochronologist never told me to avoid any foods. So I am looking to learn here.. . Are there foods to avoid or eliminate from my diet that aggrevate the thyroid? What is…
Mammograms Ladies!!!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month as you have seen all over TV, Magazines, newspapers, etc. So...Have you had your mammogram? In September of 2000 I went for my annual mammogram, Having had fibercystic, dense breasts, it was not unusual for the tech to have to repeat films. So when she came back in the room I was…