JenSteck Member


  • a little late on this conversation, but my two cents. I use a standing desk at work and stand on my simply fit board while working. I kind of move around, sometimes twist a bit, do a kind of walking movement. I figure it's better than sitting all day.
  • lot of hidden calories in the beans too...I know my favorite Mexican restaurant puts lard in theirs...tasty, but fattening.
  • ha..Casper beat me to it.
  • those were funny...... and someone had a fun time making them up. But who cares, humor is humor. :)
  • Like my husband always it. :) here is one example I found. <<< this one had a lot too. I'm hungry. I'm thinking some of these recipes will be used in my near future...YUM.
  • Yeah....I don't want to see bodybuilders while I huff and puff. I'll check it out. I live right nest to East Campus High School....I should just go walk the track. In this beautiful weather, that's not a problem. I think I'll just have to do that this evening.
  • Ah..I didnt' realize that 10 Fitness had the circuit training. I like the no contract part. It's not as convenient, but hmm....sounds like it's worth checking out.
  • I love Indian food too. If you have a Eastern market in your area, it really helps. You can buy many curry pastes and other premade sauces. If you like curry, then you would probably love tikka masala too. It's my favorite. Just make sure you read the labels..but most should be good except for sodium. You can find many…
  • New to this site..and looking for some realistic goals. I would love to join this group. Since I'm at work at the moment (yep..being bad and surfing the net...ha) I'll have to wait until this evening to walk. I'll let y'all know how I did.
  • thanks, I think I figured it out. :)
  • okay...where are you guys getting those cute things at the bottom of your posts...that state your weight lost and goals?
  • Yep...same boat here too, and also just joined. 41 yrs old and can't believe the shape I've let myself get in. Oh well....time to do something about it. My goal is to lose 40 lbs and I'm going to do this by joining Curves and changing the way I eat. We can do it....I think the trick is to not take on too much too fast.…