

  • Welcome! Do you love the program? I wish you success on your journey...
  • I am trying to learn to cook for two as our adult son's have moved out. We love leftovers so I continue to cook large meals and my hubby is awesome and will eat anything I make, (I'm so lucky!!) I try to cook things that will freeze well for lunches later or a dinner the following week. I love to have leftover chicken...I…
  • 1- Emrald Breakfaset on the Go! 2- Chicken Breast 3- All types of fresh fruit (lately my thing is oranges!!)
  • Motivation is way over rated. Doing it to lose weight won't help. It really is one day at a time, one choice at a time. It is having a plan and being prepared. You can do this or anything else you want. Plan your menus, prepare your home, make an appoitment with your self to go for a walk. That's it...I promise. That is…
  • SW: 186 CW: 165.6 GW: 160 UGW: 145 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 What is one thing you have been wanting to do when you have lost enough weight? There is nothing I am waiting to do...I've never put my life on hold because of my weight. But I do plan to have a special reward when I reach my goal weight...probably…