gosh well thanks for the advice you likely correct, little harsh with the skinny fat thing. I have actually looked into hiring someone from a company called ledbetter who is a iifiym company as well as personal trainer who specialize in helping people who have had severe calorie restrictions and binges. think I m leaving…
Thanks for the help niki I've just been this way since age 11 I'm very very scared but I'll try have a grat night!
So little perplexed do u feel I m lying on my energy output and calorie intake?
I believe I have a very active job, I'm a full time RN on medical ward, my fit bit says I walk average 4.5miles a day at work alone. I used a site called macrofit with bmr and tdee puts me at 1472 cal. I m going to try and give at least 1300 a try first for a while. I think IO will just have to be patient and not weigh…
True enough, I guess I really need to figure out what I want most. As far as calories go, the 1200 came from my fitness pal as lowest range. Thanks for the reality check .
Thanks everyone will look into suggestions:)
Yep I weigh/ measure everything. I was tracking with spark people but decided to come back to fitness pal and today is first day back. I have struggled with starving/ binging for 20 plus years and fear that my metabolism is un save able :(