marymayt Member


  • on the biggest loser show they always have the final workout before weigh in so i think working out before a weigh in helps but i may be wrong im just saying busting a good sweat cant hurt. I always weihg after a wonderful workout and the scale always be down a little.
  • I have the same problem but Im still happy with the inches I lose b/c I think its all in the process of losing and transforming our bodies. I think when the scale doesnt move our bodies are shifting things in the right places so we look better in shape. Yes it does make me happy to see the scale move but when I look in the…
  • weigh yourself to see where you are then go from there change bad eating habits slowly if there are any you dont have to go cold turkey.exercise is a great way to go again start slowly and take it day by day there is no quick fix if there was imagine how we all would look today healthy eating and exercise is the key NOT…
  • I joined yesterday and need support too it gets hard sometimes and we all need support and motivation
  • for me the scale isnt my best friend its ok to see how you are doing week to week but it can set you back sometimes I do speak from experience b/c I weigh too often myself I want to throw it away sometimes.I just go by how my clothes are fitting alot b/c even though the scale isnt moving like I want my clothes fit loose…