I just don't get it! I have been logging everything and i men everything, and weighing everything to ensure i am being accurate and i am not losing any pounds. This is something i have never experienced before. I am doing cardio and haven't started my strength training so I don't think it's muscle. I am drinking more water and I have cut down on carbs. I am losing cm/inches on my waist and hips plus my face looks slimmer already. So why am I not losisng pounds? I KNOW it is irrational of me to be worrying about the scales as eight is coming off with measurements but I still cant help feeling crap that not one single oz has shifted on the scales (and yes I have tried more than one scale to check they aren't broken).

Is there any moral support out there for me to motivate me?

(please do not comment if you are going to make me feel even worse about myself or just to feel self righteous).


  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Bumping because I'm in a similar situation, I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Starting an exercise program can make your body hold onto water weight (something to do with repairing muscles I think) so you might have lost a few pounds and just have traded it for some temporary water weight gain due to exercise.
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    Although I cannot explain why the scale isn't moving, just keep doing what your doing, obviously "something" is going on to see your measurements decreasing. Your body and soul deserves the best! Feel free to add me as your friend. I will always be there to "encourage". This is hard work!
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Scales are evil, nasty things that play with our minds! I'm quite sure in fact, that they're invention from another planet that intends to invade Earth and take over through mind control.

    Having said that, great work on the inches lost.. the pounds will soon catch up! xx
  • pontprennau
    pontprennau Posts: 20 Member
    So your body is changing shape, but your weight is staying the same? So even though you aren't doing weights you are using muscles which will grow. I'd suggest stop being preoccupied with "a number" and start enjoying the obvious progress you are making and ENJOY the new heightened fitness level you are at:)

    I hit these roadblocks too and when I do i KNOW that around the corner is a sudden rush of weightloss when it all catches up again.

    Muscle burns more calories than fat when you are "idle".

    Now go grab some weights and start lifting!!:)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Been there, done that. I lose weight weird, and that is why this time around I am diligent about my on going maintenance and huge change in lifestyle.

    When I was in my 20's I went on a 6-week plateau. While on weight watchers. and being perfect. I even didn't chew gum for fear joe the extra calories. then I lost 5 pounds on the 7th week.

    When I was in my 30's, I went on Jenny Craig. The first 25 fell off the first month .. the last 5 --- took 3 monhts.

    When I was in my early 40's, I gained and lost and gained and lost.

    Since December 2011, I have lost 41.5 pounds through September 7, 2012. the last 6 pounds has taken me almost 4 months. and through out the process I would stall for 2-3 weeks, then drop.

    I just faked patience, stuck to my nutrition plan and tried to be more active throughout the day and take 10-20 minute walk breaks. Now I have added my barre 3 daily.

    Just fake patience and keep going. It will come off, someone told me a "stall or staging" while loosing weight is measured in weeks. A plateau is measured in at least a month.

    So the good side is it taught me to monitor my intake (food) and my outtake (activity/exercise) for the rest of my life. Wish I had realized it in my 20's…but at 53, glad I finally get it!

    Hang in there, keep going, and when in doubt, fake patience.
  • DaNae9402
    DaNae9402 Posts: 61 Member
    I know it's not what you want to hear, but the scales lie sometimes. My weight has gone up 2 pounds this week and I just say LIAR! If you're losing inches, clothes are getting looser, and your face is slimming you are losing weight. The scales will catch up! I've gone 2 weeks with no weight loss and then boom 5 pounds! Just keep doing what your doing and track those measurements and you will succeed! (((HUGS)))
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    Put the scale away!!! It seems like u are really doing great when it comes to inches. Inches (as u probably know) make you look thinner and make clothes fit better. I hate to see u beating yourself up or getting discouraged when you seem to be doing nothing wrong. So I say, put the scale away. Keep shedding those inches. And pull the scale out in a few weeks, or even a month from now just to check.

    Keep up the good work!! (you are far more disciplined than I)
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    When you start a a new program...any program that is using muscle you haven't used in a while, your muscles grow. When they begin to grow, they hold water. It take about 4-6 weeks for the water to be released. Everytime you challenge yourself with something new and different, this can happen. You are doing fine....
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Yep me and my scale had to part ways. I do get on it but I don't believe what it says. I have dropped a size in jeans and scale hasn't moved for the better for almost 2 weeks now. LIAR!!!! Now I basically get on just to taunt it.

    go by the way your clothes are fitting and I promise you eventually the scale will catch up ;)
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks guys!! Every single one of you has motivated me. I think I will fake patience and hide those damn scales. Do any of you take regular photos so you can see your progress?

    Thanks you :)
  • silentnemesis
    silentnemesis Posts: 45 Member
    I personally think if your measurements are changing and you feel healthier, that's something to be proud of in it self.

    keep in mind that excessive sodium intake causes water retention (water weight) but it's hard to not get too much sodium in today's world :o
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you :)
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I am in the same situation as you are :sad: but it's even worse I gained 1 lbs :brokenheart: I thought about throwing the scale through the window but resisted :bigsmile:

    I try to convince myself that it is water retention but if next week I don't lose that "/$$%/?%&?&% lbs, the scale will have to learn to fly :explode:

    You can add me as friend and we'll support each other !
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    The only thing I could recommend would be to check your diary for your sodium intake. Just make sure that its in a good range because that can affect the scales. Other than that I agree with everyone else, it sounds like you are making good progress. Keep up the good work!
  • Have you checked what your sodium intake is like?
  • Check sodium intake! Too much will cause you to retain water, adding water weight. How much water are you drinking? You should be drinking half your body weight in oz daily. (200lb person needs 100 oz) then just PUT THE SCALE AWAY! i always hated hearing that...but you have to. Dont get caught up on a number that doesn't tell what's going on within your body. I stayed at a plateau for two months once, lost a whole size, then woke up one day & dropped 7lbs in a week. Allow your body to catch up! You do your part & it will do its part eventually! Just be consistent with exercise & watch what you eat! Sidenote: I've been at the same weight since May & im still pushing! I've lost 5.25" within the last month tho! You shouldn't keep weighing it makes you stress & stress disaallows weightloss!
  • Don't stress about weight if you're losing inches. Check your sodium intake over the past several days...chances are you're retaining water, and eventually (as everyone else has said) the scale will reflect the inches you've lost. Also, cardio can increase muscle as well, so don't discount what exercise you've been doing for muscle gain. If you have been sore at all, then you are building muscle. Just a fact of life. Keep doing what you're doing because it's working! Stressing over the scale can turn into an unhealthy obsession - take it from a recovering anorexic/bulemic. It doesn't matter what you weigh, just how you look and feel.

    Keep up the awesome work!!!
  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    So glad you started this topic because my scales haven't moved for 9 measurements also haven't moved so I don't have that as a comfort either.

    I'm going to check my sodium and not worry until I go a month with no loss. Thanks everyone :smile:
  • marymayt
    marymayt Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem but Im still happy with the inches I lose b/c I think its all in the process of losing and transforming our bodies. I think when the scale doesnt move our bodies are shifting things in the right places so we look better in shape. Yes it does make me happy to see the scale move but when I look in the mirror and see the other transformations I be just smiling :) Imagine if all we did was lost pounds and not inches how would we look? Im no expert but I do feel its all a process that leads up to getting where our bodies need to be.We may want to look one way on the outside but I feel its happens inside out. Hopefully this makes a little sense and helps ease your worry some give it a few months to see how things shape up believe me you can look like you weigh 190 but actually weigh 225 as long as you are eating healthier and exercising. Also if the scale isnt budging you can try changing your workout, doing things a different way can sometimes get the scale moving again make it more intense or add more time just switch it up to keep the body wondering whats coming next challenge yourself.