

  • Instead of plastic wrap, try a compression belt (you can get them at Ross for about $10), and when you wear a dress or feel that your tummy is sticking out, wear that compression underwear (I call it a fat-sucker. lol.). It doesn't permanently make your fat go away, but it does compress it and makes you feel slimmer even…
  • First of all, do not let anyone else dictate your dieting. My immediate family is all overweight, and used to sometimes make fun of me for abstaining from desserts, or would try to push some food on me. My mom recently called me "a stick with eyeballs" (a quote from the cartoon Bug's Life), but in actuality I am a healthy…
  • Green tea also does help, I think. I like Arizona diet green tea, no sugar! Also, as someone has said, it's ok to indulge once in a while. A wrestler friend and health nut told me it's healthy to eat one over-calorie meal a week. :)
  • I've also heard that warm food and drinks make you feel full. Eating slowly helps too.
  • I highly recommend reading the South Beach diet book, simply for the healthy eating principles in the book. Consuming a lot of caffeine can increase your hunger pangs, as well as consuming a lot of bread or sugary products, especially in the morning. Save the bread for lunch or dinner. And avoid sugary sodas and juices!…
  • I have a couple little things that help me! I also take a bottle of water with me when I leave the house, or I take some diet green tea with me. Helps me get my antioxidants in the tea, and either way you get water consumption. When I was a greeter (customer service) at a music store I used to stand and do leg stretches,…
  • The best thing about those foods was the chocolate... Honestly if you don't want to eat it, don't keep it in the house! It's like an alcoholic wondering why he can't resist the urge to drink when he's in a bar. lol. I can't have those things around or I will eat them. I am rarely motivated enough to drive to the store for…
  • Honestly, just fill up on better things. I can make it on about 900. Find low-calorie and low sugar/carb food (if you eat sugar and carbs in the morning it will make you hungrier!) and eat a lot of that, with snacks of string cheese or almonds in between. If you eat a bunch of green beans with light smart balance (butter…