

  • I also try to eat only once during the day. Once I start eating, it is hard to stop. This also allows me to eat a normal meal with my husband in the evening. I don't always make it all the way to dinner but I try. Some days are easier than others. And I always make sure that crochet group night is an Up day. Trying to…
  • I'm still doing it. Down days are really annoying but I stick with one normal meal for dinner and that gets me through the day. I know that I will have a real meal with my husband if I don't eat anything else the rest of the day. And no one even notices that I am not eating. 7 down days. 5 lbs lost.
  • Like Sicchi, I do Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. I have up days Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Even eating close to 800 calories on some down days, I still lost 3 lbs my first week. I have practiced intermittent fasting before so I am ok only eating dinner. I think that is easier for me. If I start eating in the…
  • I take a lot and have for many years. I eat relatively well but not consistently. I agree that they are probably a waste and could even be bad for people but, compared to a lot of people I know and see on here, my health is great so maybe it is working. centrum TripleFlex-glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM w/D3 Super B-Complex…
  • I'm midtownfarmgirl.