

  • Tequila, DIET Tonic water and lime....YUM! Especially refreshing after a long day!
  • You will go up and down all the time. Don't give up. Some weight gain is muscle and will start burning more calories soon. Some has to do with salt and water retention....I have gone up 7 pounds in five days from that. Keep going and you will see things start changing. You are doing great!
  • It is a great natural high isn't it? Great work and keep it up!
  • Baby weight gain is easy to lose if you work at it every day. Don't over do it though or you will wear yourself out and the baby needs you refreshed and alert! Take it slow and steady and you will see the pounds come off. Just don't expect it to all go away tomorrow. 1-2 pounds a week and it will stay off forever! Good…
  • I wont give it up and it does effect the rate of weight loss but, if make small changes like, switching from regular beer to Miller Lite or Select 55, they have fewer calories than most and a lot less carbs which is what helps you gain weight. I decided not to cut out everything that I love and I have still lost 25 pounds…
  • THe best I found was just going outside for along walk and challenging yourself to do it each day faster. Then find some great trails around your home and go for it! Weights are good too so try to 30-30 workout on the Men's Health page. Fast but really good workout and you can break it up. Good luck!
  • Instead of using Tuna use canned salmon (make sure it is bone free) It gives you great protein while having a lighter taste. Make it the same way you make tuna salad. Also, Frozen catfish filets are really easy to use and good with butter and dill or you can lightly flour them with seasoning in a pan. Good stuff!
  • Thanks for the inspiration! I want to lose 50 and am 1/2 way there! Great job! Never go boack....
  • You can add me! I've been a member since October. I have had a stalemate the past three months, but haven't gained it back. Still looking for support to keep going. Getting tired of looking at the same numbers on the scale. Good luck and friend me!
  • I had a seven pound gain in 5 days. It was all sodium. We had splurged and eaten a terrific Chinese dinner (loaded with salt) then I didn't have time for breakfast the next day and had a V-8....bad idea, swelled up like a balloon. It came off but lots of water and green tea was necessary. Don't wory, I weigh in every…