

  • In WI its' typical 21 bday tradition to keep tallies of shots and drinks on your arms with a sharpie! haha...as far as going out other times I usually ordered vodka mixers. Most rail vodka's are around 64 calories. Gina and tonic is another lower calorie drink. Since I statred being serious about losing weight, I have cut…
  • Hey Stacy, I definitely know where you are coming from. I'm trying to get back into shape and my goal is to lose 20 more pounds. Feel free to add me. I'm new to actually using MFP eventough I have had it for a while so meeting some people on here to keep me motivated would be great. Amanda
  • Hey, I am Amanda. Super senior status here! Used to play bball in college and have now gained weight and got out of shape. I have had MFP for a while but am now startig to actually use it. Would be great to have some people to keep me motivated and vice versa. Add me and let's get our butts into gear!