30forApril Member


  • I think I'd rather have people I don't know, or rather don't know the me that I used to be... I like to be a little more of a loner, in real life, and people sometimes want to meet up and do things together and really, if it'snot working out, or working towards my goal, I'd rather not do anything with anybody... I have…
  • never mind,...lol.. duh! I saw it!
  • How do you search? lol
  • I'M down!
  • I went from D to B and I think I could probably wrangle them in to A's right about now, and I still have 30-40 lbs to go. I have considered and have discussed implants with my hubs. He says he doesn't care, but I do...lol... oh well, till then I do chest building excercises and lifts...time will tell. sorry.
  • @marijasmin- you make a good point, I am more than half way there, I don't know why it''s so hard to see that? I can see other's accomplishments but refuse to see mine... I always say that when I look in the mirror i still see the same me i was a year ago. I know that I am smaller because I had to but smaller clothes, and…
  • thanks soozie, Yes! I am happy with my Dr. and my meds... He does listen to me, and does work with me, he's not an Endo, but I like him better than any endo I've ever been to...he doesn't treat me like a number on a lab sheet range. I have "tested" him kinda, doing my own research and playing dumb sometimes when I go see…
  • Wow! exactly what I wanted to see, my starting point was prettymuch the same... I'm just not quite at the finishline yet, thank you so much for this post. You are an inspiration. I am proud of you and hope to one day be able to say I DID IT! Greatness...one word to sum up your success!
  • @Silverwing... wow, you're right. I am taking that to heart. Thank you.
  • @Never Stray It makes sense... My reasons for wanting to lose weight are, in "let's get real" order are- To look good, to look better than all the girls who hated on me when we were younger. So my husband will be proud that I am his wife, and so that we can be the "hot couple". To not give my body any more reasons to…
  • I think this is how I feel. hmm.. I guess I discourage myself when I feel unmotivated... but seeing that others go through this cycle of still wanting to lose the weight, not wanting to give up, but just feeling like,,, "eh..." makes me see that it's normal... I think that I confuse being unmotivated with not caring or not…
  • Haha! Love it! Where do I start looking? I know she used to be there, but seems that she's packed her things and gone into hiding...
  • Haha! love the G.I.Joe comment, I did watch it, but I don't remember anything about it or what came after... hahah! that was so random but yet so appropriate... You're right, my eating habits aren't all that bad, with the exception of the past 2 weeks, I tend to eat lean proteins, veggies, & fruits.. so much so that I need…
  • @leannehoggdod-->> You are absolutely right! I am bored with my routine, I worked out at home for months and months and got some results. It was great! but yea, I just am not feeling it anymore. There is actually this little women only fitness class gym that I've had my eye on for a while, I even called to get info, back…
  • I also recommend Avacados! This goes along with the essential fatty acids! idk if you can see my recipes. I have one that iI named Pico Tuna.. I could live off this stuff!!! tuna as we all know has Omega3's, Avacados are a super fruit! jalapeno peppers help ignite the metabolism, celery contains alot of hydration…
  • what meds does your doc have you on? and what is the dosage.. I myself as you know had a total thyroidectomy and am on a higher dose than anyone I know. I am on .125MCG's of Levothyroxine and .25 of Cytomel. My Doc had me on T3 meds only for a while after the surgery, but even when results were coming back in "perfect"…
  • I can relate to this! My husband will do the same thing, but I know he does it with good intentions... He's really disciplined and when he sets his mind to something it gets done , come hell or high water , he kills it... he can't comprehend why it's so hard for me to stay on task and follow through with my goal... He…
  • I've gotten a variety and my husband has been interrogated about my weight as well on one occasion a brother from our church that works with my husband asked him if I was sick or if he'd done something to me, because I was so skinny (160 lbs compared to the 200+ I used to be) my husband said "no she's not sick,.. i just…
  • Let him know that his brutal honesty hurts you, tell him you took his honesty into consideration before and decided to make a change. let him know the kind of support you need from him and if he can't give you that, then perhaps keep his thoughts to himself.. explain to him about your hips and things like that.. He should…
  • You're right it is a different case, I just didn't take kindly to the can't get it up right...lol.. Sure he shouldn't expect for her to get back to her teenage years, that's absurd, I just feel that she should appreciate his honesty as jerky/douchey as it may have been and use it to give her strengh. my husband isn't the…
  • Okay so the one thing we all agree on is that this dude's comments are not acceptable... If He isn't happy with her and the SOLE thing he cares about is her looks, then she should probably reconsider the relationship, because as many have pointed out, if he's unattracted to her now looking as good as she does, imagine when…
  • For your information, my husband can get it up really well, thank you... Why should I want to look good for my husband? He takes care of himself.. and if you read one of my other posts, you will see that He never once made me feel bad about my weight ever... not even when I was 200+ lbs and he's doing his thing…
  • I have come to learn this is correct...lol.. my hubby lied well until a few days ago.. glad he was honest though.. I chose to take it as motivation and I want for him to be as proud of his wife as I am of my husband!
  • OH HELL NO!!! let me start by saying this: The reason to dating or being someone's girl/boyfriend is to know if they are the one... Second: if you really love hi and choose to stay with him, atleast consider he's being honest. c) Men never treat you better than when you are dating... d) I was 120 lbs and 16 when I married…
  • Think of it this way... two guys equal in hotness and you don't know this but they are total sweethearts, and everything your heart desires. They are both at your side trying to get your attention... one guy is wearing torn muddy jeans , shirt a little dirty and the other guy is wearing the really nice shirt, you can tell…
  • I think this is a great idea, and something like this might work depending on where you're applying to. I once got hired at a bank for grabbing the interviewers paper clip holder opening it and throwing them across his desk...lol.. I I had to sell something , anything and I chose that! I did a little mini infomercial and…
  • I have worked in the business world for 10 years now. First impressions really matter. I think you should remove the black nail polish atleast for the interview, and if you get hired wait to til you get the feel of the office. I haven't gone and read the whole thread, so I may be missing something. I saw some of the…
  • I think it's important to know where you're starting so that you can get to where you want/need to be. I weigh myself almost daily, I won't always log it, but it helps me to keep myself in check... I haven't worked out in weeks, and jsut started again yesterday..but weighing myself helped me to kinda track my weight…
  • this is a great post, I would love some more details on this as well! *bump*