

  • Name: Tina A little bit about me: Married with 3babies Current Weight: 174.5 Starting Weight: 183.9 Goal: 125-135 Program: biking and walking Short Term Goal : I want to lose 8-10lb a month for the remainder of the year. Reward: a sewing machine
  • Count me in... starting wieght 8/4/09 183.4 :grumble: current weight 9/1/09 174.5 :smile: goal weight ?/?/?? 125-130 :blushing: I would love to lose 8-10lbs a month for the remainder of the year....I would like to have a buddy or buddies to help jump start me, and keep me motivated and vice-versa.please :flowerforyou:…
  • lets do it chick....::wink: