

  • instead of the olive oil you can spray them with cooking spray and use spritzer balsamic dressing. that cuts down alot of the calories and fat.
    in Zucchini Help Comment by lmwch July 2012
  • zucchini bread. you can substitiute apple sauce for the oil and also can substitute egg beaters for the regular eggs or just use egg whites. it cuts the calories and fat way down.
    in Zucchini Help Comment by lmwch July 2012
  • i wish i could! i have arthritis in my left knee and it is so bad normal walking hurts! i can only walk on flat ground, i can not walk up or down hil and i live in Tennessee where nothing much is flat! if anyone knows what kind of exercise a "large" woman with a bad knee can do please, please let me know.
  • sadly to say alot of healthy vegs and fruits are high in sugars. i chart check which ones are not before i go shopping so i am not disappointed when i get home.
    in Watermelon :( Comment by lmwch July 2012