

  • This sounds very familiar to me! I have tried for years to lose weight, but it's always been a small goal set for a time not far away, and I have rarely ever managed it. It's only when I accepted that what I really wanted was to really change my life for the long term, and that I wasn't going to get where I wanted by my…
  • I decided to take up running when I first signed up to this site. I genuinely wanted to do it and was really excited. However after my first jog I had a quite severe pain in my ankle so I left it for a week before trying again. When I tried again (this time with proper running shoes) I last about 50 seconds before my ankle…
  • Really inspirational.Well done and good luck for the rest! :)
  • Hi I was really confused about this when I first started too. It seemed to be to be misleading to suggest that I should eat all the calories I've burned - surely I'm supposed to be burning them?! I just made sure I stuck to my initial calorie target of 1590. If you're finding it easy enough to keep within your initial…
  • PS: I'm finding that I'm still able to eat most of the things I like while keeping within my calorie limit. I find the best way for me to keep on top of things is to have a set routine of meals - I eat the same breakfast (bran flakes) and lunch (ryvita with houmus and salad) nearly everyday, and try to keep both those…
  • Hi there, I just wanted to say Hi - I'm a UK female also, 26, and I signed up here last week and have 93 pounds to lose! I've never used this site before, and was really put off for ages by the thought of counting calories (I think I just wasn't keen on facing the facts!) but since signing up I've really started to feel…
  • I'm trying hard to resist wine as that is my favourite tipple. I find that deciding before hand what I'm going to drink and how much, then sticking rigidly to my decision is the only way I can stop myself from becoming tempted into something else! Diet Coke is generally my safe option.
  • I feel your pain! I tried out some of those scales the other day, and firstly the weight was about a stone more than my own digital scales read, but secondly it refused to give my the other stats and showed ERR4. I concluded from this that I must so big that the machine simply can't compute such a high number! Not the most…
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