

  • Plain tea, or tea with lemon isn't going to slow down weight loss. In my experience I still need to drink at least my 8 glasses of plain water in addition to the tea. Green tea is awesome for you as well.
  • I wouldn't count a granola bar as 'bread'....first off, since its kashi, it has to have something better than ground up bleached processed wheat in it, correct? I'm also quite sure they don't put yeast in them either. Sure, it has grains in it, but oatmeal is a grain and it's not bread. Eat the granola bar, or you could…
  • So many times one of my babies has come home from school in a tizzy about something the "other kids" picked on them about. It is heartbreaking, and I do understand that as a mom, we want to fix everything for our kids that we possibly can. The trouble is though, the more a kid changes because of what the "others" pick on…
  • That guy is a jerk.......the best thing he did for you is to show his TRUE JERK COLORS. Here's to you finding a true HERO, then when you do get to your goal you can send the ZERO a photo and tell him to eat his heart out. Also, let's all pray for this jerk so that he never gets old, has an accident or surgery that leaves…
  • If eating one meal a day works for someone, I say go for it, more power to them, and I wish I could do that it would sure save on washing dishes ;) I eat more like the 5 + times a day, for several reasons. I believe that if I try to keep the size of my little meals down to 1 cup, that I won't want to go over that (when I…
  • If you are doing cardio that, in my humble opinion, is the best thing you can do for belly fat. I carry most of my weight around my middle, too, and while any ab exercise will help tone the muscles, it's the cardio that will burn the fat off the top of them :)
  • Make sugar free jello, drink a ton of water, make hot tea or broth, try to redirect my attention, and then get to exercising so I have more calories ;)
  • WoW and Diablo III
  • Clearly smoking is not a healthy habit, but you don't really need anyone to tell you that. If you kicked drugs, you can kick butts, but it has to be a time when you want to. I wish I had tackled my food addiction before I got so heavy, and I wish I had tackled my smoking addiction before I let it get me so out of shape and…
  • Q. What do I count as water? A. Water - plain water (from a tap, or bottled plain water) My doctor taught me the importance of drinking water when I was pregnant with my twins. I fought it tooth and nail. At first I had to force myself to drink, even going so far as to using ice, crushed ice, a straw, a fancy glass...even…
  • Wild Salmon is yummy enough even my kids want to eat it. It's awesome baked plain or with lemon.
  • I'm so glad I am not the only one. I have always had a weird schedule so I just roll with it now. I know I will eat a snack, or maybe two, during the night, so I make sure I allow calories for it.
  • salty/sweet combos: raisins and peanuts, or dark chocolate bits and raw almonds, celery with a bit of nut butter and currants when I am desperate for something I shouldn't really have I rely on sugar free jello, sugar free fat free pudding, and crystal light to stave off any cravings
  • I went to a park with my grandbabies......My granddaughter wanted me to slide down a slide with her, and it took so much effort to do so my kids took pictures because they thought they'd never see that again (and my granddaughter was just beaming she was so happy.) When I saw that picture I was surprised I had not gotten…
  • Years ago I never would have thought I could consume even half of the water that I drink today. When first trying to force water down, I needed ice, and a straw. I would literally force myself to guzzle down a cup or two of water before allowing myself a cup of anything else (coffee, tea, etc.) Sometimes adults turn off…