I have tried the Menoquil which is the same as the support supplements you are talking about. I have been on those for about 5 months and no luck. Finally had enough and went to see the Dr. . I do feel better as far as mood swings and night sweats. My concern is the weight loss. I have noticed a big increase in my weight…
Hey there. I am 44 and going through the menopause thing early. I had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago and I guess my ovaries have just decided to go caput. I have noticed the weight gain and the sluggish feeling grrrr . It seemed like I could eat just one meal off plan and gain five lbs over night. I guess I have been…
I have heard time and time again that going below 1000-1200 is flirting with the starvation mode your body naturally has. Have you done the profile set up on here ? It will let you know what calorie count you should be at. I eat about 1200 per day some times a bit over :).
Hey there I am 44 and am starting over yet again. I seem to lose weight for vacation each year then fall off the wagon. I am really looking for support here as well. I know it is a take it one day at a time thing. Also a lifestyle change not a "diet" thing. Honestly tough it can be a little overwhelming when you look at…