RodeoRamsey Member


  • He doesn't want to pick up his right lead because he was never -taught- the right lead. ;) Racehorses are almost always run counter-clockwise, therefore using their left lead. When you are retraining an OTTB, getting the right lead is pretty tough but can be done. Try asking him to canter to the right in a small roundpen…
  • I agree with everyone else but just want to add, if you do end up buying this horse, make sure you get a SIGNED BILL OF SALE. Preferably with a witness or two to the transaction. This seems to be the type of person who would come back a year later and try to accuse you of theft. Good luck!
  • I was a huge sweet loaded coffee drinker. I have (somehow??) managed to wean myself off loading up the sugar and hot chocolate mix in my coffee and have decreased my coffee drink cals from about 150 to about 60. I opt for the fat free version of whatever creamer I like (currently french vanilla) and only use 2 Tblspns per…