emmoen1 Member


  • So i this might be a stupid question but I do not know what a FULL serving of different fruits and vegs are? Can we get examples please, especially of common fruits/vegs. Carrot, Potato, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, tomato, apple, banana, berries....
  • So I am not going to lie. I did complete my water for yesterday but not my exercise. But I did weigh in this morning and am down to 147.8 Today is my husband's birthday so it will not be the healthiest day of the month but I do not care because I celebrate 3 birthdays a year. Tomorrow is a new day and I am starting 30DS…
  • You are actually working harder then what your HRM suggests. It is known as the Frank Sterling Effect in Physical Therapy. Basically because of the hydrostatic pressure in the water... the deeper you are immersed the more pressure you have which increases venous return. This leads to the formula of Cardiac Output= stroke…
  • 8/3: Completed workout and as I stated above I substituted lungs for deadlift. I hate working my legs because I have arthritis in both of my knees and I am always afraid of aggravating it but my legs get strong my knees hurt less... So its needed just coming slowly. Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm SORE and ready for…
  • It shouldn't really affect your muscles to much... It would almost be re-training them. I know in the Marines, you get 2 weeks for acclimatization when you transfer to a new unit especially a unit that has a complete different environment then your previous. I do not know if you would be going to MCRD or Parris Island but…
  • I would just log what you ate still. When someone vomits, you usually do not completely empty your stomach. I would just not that you were sick that day in the comment box.
  • 530 every morning with 1 rest day to sleep in
    in Moms... Comment by emmoen1 August 2012
  • I personally would not count it as exercise but as part of your lifestyle... Like I have a sedentary lifestyle because I sit all day long.
  • This is the key because with free weights usually depending on the exercise you should use a spotter, which most people I have seen do not and this leads to an increase risk of injury or improper lifting. No matter what make sure your doing the exercise correctly and what I mean by this is that you do use accessory…
  • This is so True... The FDA allows up to 20% error in nutrition labels.
  • I have not had to much issue drinking the water expect yesterday felt really bloated so taking it a little slower today but unfortunately I will not be able to complete today's workout. I can do it all but the lunges. Lunges kill my knees and I stay away from them because of my surgeries... I don't know if it will count or…
  • Im in. Another added challenge can be done by just using one leg at a time. Just kick the other leg straight out when not in use and keep it straight the whole time.
  • I don't know how long it takes for you to get ready in the morning but I highly suggest waking up early and working out... I take a pre-workout that really helps get me going when I don't want to in the morning but as a mom I really find that to work out the best because I definitely understand how tiring it can be at the…
  • I hate greek yogurt so I just add protein powder to a yogurt that I like.
  • i drink 20oz with every meals (3) and snack (2) and sometimes to help prevent eating extra when I am bored or at night. Then another 20 oz when I workout.
  • So, I did complete yesterdays exercise and water but I did not mention how I did. Realized that I am not good at all with the jump rope but I guess with practice I will improve.... Push-ups well I hate them always have and always will but another thing that will take time and loved loved loved the standing crunch/squat....…
  • i don't think I will ever quit soda. I love my pepsi. I use to drink about 2 20oz a day but now I allow one 12oz a week. I do not see anything wrong with that especially since I do not drink any thing else besides water.
  • Im in Also a side note if you do them straight-leg it works the gastronemius more and bent leg works your soleus. :happy:
  • So what do we do when we completed everything?
  • Name/ real name: emmoen1/ Erin Goal weight on August 31st : 144 8/01: 149 8/06: 8/13: 8/20: 8/27: 8/31: I am really going to make this!
  • Just bought a jump rope for another challenge... so Im in
  • So as I said I would... 5 sprints this morning and i thought my lungs were going to catch on fire.... that hurt.. but thanks
  • complete and that was ruff... but completed!
  • any room still? Really like a space please
  • Get a kids popcorn with your son and just enjoy how often do you actually go to the movies.
  • yeah if you want. That is the best thing about workouts you can do it however you want. Like my husband wants to build muscle so he lifts heavy weight for 5 sets of 5 reps. I usually do 3 sets of 10 but go up in weight each set and maybe on my last set I can only get 8. One good point to keep in mind is that your last rep…
  • I would suggest increasing weight a little or number of reps. You do want to be a little sore but not so sore that you can function the next day.
  • Yes that is what I was thinking but it is not very common for feels but still a chance.