

  • I know you said you're not hungry, and I'm not sure about your eating patterns. What helps me though, is to eat SOMETHING every two hours. Exercise or not. You're body will QUICKLY get used to it and actually feel hungry in that time. The best thing is that you will get full quicker so you don't binge. You're body starts…
  • again, this has been so helpful! Love the community on here!
  • mmm cheerios do kinda rule. I think i've just been avoiding them as one of those, "another thing that reminds of of parenting!" things as I've been trying to give myself some more "me" stuff, ya know? Does that sound terrible and strange? ha! yeah more than likely...anyway... My friend Erica also mainly concentrates on…
  • Thanks ladies! I'm gonna try to drink even more water then I guess cuz I'm slightly allergic to the dye in Gatorade. The tracker on here says I'm not eating enough calories so that could also be the problem. But I am by no means small. I weigh 160 at 5'4" so now i'm just like, "uhhhhh????". I'm gonna be so sad to give up…