lol ;)
Good idea
I would just give it time... You know the saying, If you love them let them go and if they come back they were always yours... Or something like that. I know its hard and im sorry that happened but I would just let him have some time. Maybe he will change his mind, But if you call him and stuff you may push him farther…
It all comes down to if you really like him or not.... If you do go for it and if your not sure. Then tell him you just want to be friend for now. Once your good friends yall can talk and get to know each other more and be able to talk about weight stuff. No need to rush in to things. Just be his friend for awhile and if…
lol at the last part
That is a hard one. I have worked in group homes with mentally challenged adults and if this person is slow or mentally challenged it may be hard for him to understand. Kinda like they have a mind frame of a child. I would just try and explain that you really appreciated his help. But you like to do it yourself unless you…
I plan to always stay with MFP... Even after I reach my final goal. That way i wont have to worry about gaining my weight back. MFP will keep me in check even after i reach my goal
Wow that is awesome.... Congrats
You are looking awesome.... Great job
You look amazing.... Great job
Yeah I have lost 52lbs since July 2012.... I have just been eating healthy, drinking lots of water and using MFP... I lost 30lbs in the first 2-3 months and that was with just eating lots of fish, chicken, fruits, and veggies. Also any other low calorie foods. I still would eat pork chops, hamburger helper, steak... ect…
Wow great job.... You look awesome
You Look awesome.... Great job
Wow... That is truly amazing awesome job man
Wow such a great change.... You look great :o)
Aw thank you soooo much everyone... Your kind words mean a lot you just dont even know. Sorry I have not commented back on here. I kept forgetting to check my board lol. For the few that asked how I have lost so much in a short time.... Well all i have been doing is using MFP and eating healthy foods. Lots of fish,…
:o) Thank you I have already lost to more lbs... So 49lbs lost now woot woot
Thanks everyone... Your kind words mean a lot.
Yeah ill probably do that with my next side by side pic.... But im sure in my next one it will be a full body pic so you will really be able to tell the different. I just wanna lose another 30lbs before i do that lol
Thanks Everyone :o)
Thanks everyone and I got the picture on there now :o)
Well crap the picture did not show up just the link???? I dont know what i did wrong. My main picture is the pic I tried to post on here
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and support.... It means a lot to me. Also good luck to all the ones that are starting the 30DS today also :o) Have fun with it
Thank you both.... and im excited to try it out :o)
Thank ya both :o) and yeah I have heard she will kick your butt lol... Im ready hahaha
Wow... You have done awesome, How inspiring :o) Thank you for sharing
I have heard its good... I was thinking about doing it myself. If you don't want to go buy the Dvd's they have the full video on You Tube. :o)
You can go and add any of my friend sister.... They are all pretty awesome people :o)
Thanks Gabrielle :o)