symba1130 Member


  • Sounds like a crazy hectic week! Just know you can vent here :-)
  • Just a positive way to look at it! and oh so true! Lets hope we both heal quickly :-)
  • So I have another personal training session scheduled for 3/16. I received a "free" one from my gym after being a member for 6 months. When I originally got the email I was SO STOKED to work with one of the guys that I have seen showing their clients stuff in the squat rack. BUT, since this dang back thing, my session will…
  • I am posting even though I cant do 5x5 at the moment... But I walked 30min at 3.8mph this morning and then did some good stretching. Cant wait to get back at it!
  • I don't have the add on, I just warm up using something lower than working weight. I was squatting 110, so I would start my warm up with 1x5 @ 75, then 1x5 @ 95 and then do my working weight. Hope this helps!
  • I have to agree with both @Llamapants86 and @krokador. If something is hurting don't let it go on or ignore it. Also...easier said than done, but don't measure your progress to anyone else's progress. I am quite competitive myself and I think it can really hurt us (literally). I am now out for some back issues because I…
  • Just got back from the chiropractor... I am usually not fond of them because of their "you must come 3x a week for your back to be better" style, but I liked this guy! He did xrays, showed that yes indeed my L5 is a bit buggered and my right hip is rotated. He cracked me, pulled on my legs and tried to realign my hips.…
  • @threnjen - I am in Washington State just north of Seattle. Its called the Jack and Jill sale. I always sign up for set up day, that way I don't have to deal with the public and I get in an extra workout! I also like seeing all the stuff that comes in so I can snatch it up first. HA! What part of Oregon are you in…
  • @glwerth - Totally awesome numbers for OHP! I managed a walk/jog last night, did about 2mi. Not sure about time, maybe 30 minutes. I wasn't really keeping track. Felt nice to get out and stretch my legs.
  • Total mess @Llamapants86. Hope you guys get back to normal soon. @Symba -- You should come to CA on Thursdays for girls' happy hour. We'd have the best time! - @crabada - No Doubt we would have some fun!! Nothing super exciting to report but I have reconnected with a long lost friend. She came over last night and had…
  • Such awesome workouts going on ladies! Thanks for the kind words @katro111, @psych101, and @threnjen! Trying to be patient. This back stuff is no joke! I did get out for a long walk on Sunday while the kids were napping. Managed 3.2mi in 47min. I have a 5k this coming Sunday so I wanted to make sure I could do it. Came…
  • Thanks for all the ideas ladies! I will try to work some of them into my life. I CRAVE girlfriend time! I love my husband, but he doesn't want to shop/wine taste/talk about the real housewives/ etc. I think it also doesn't help that I am an only child. Hoping my girls (5yo and 1.5yo) cherish each other as they get older…
  • Starting this by saying.. I am just venting! I am a very social person and since having daughter #2 18mths ago, my social life has gone downhill. I am finding the few friends I have without kids no longer want to get together. With just the one kiddo she was like my left arm and went with me EVERYWHERE and no one seemed to…
  • Thank you all for the kind words. Made it to the doc yesterday and he prescribed some meds + massage (yeah!). He also said not to stay down for too long, get in lots of walking to keep things moving. I will be taking his advise tonight and walking while my 5yo is at dance. The weather here is amazing today, cold BUT sunny.…
  • So first off...I AM SOOOO MAD AT MYSELF!! I was feeling better so headed back to the gym. Squats racks were taken so I did leg press 3x12 @‌ 140lbs. That felt OK on my back so did 10 SL deads and then jumped to 95lbs. Did 1 and f**ked my back so bad it brought me to tears. I cried the whole way home from the gym Sad…
  • It will not make you a beast. Getting BIG is hard work!! I have lost inches and gained strength while doing SL 5x5 for the last 6 months.
  • I haven't been doing SL since I hurt my back, but still trying to get in *some* activity so here it goes. Tuesday - 20min on elliptical 3x10 - bodyweight dips 3x10 @ 15lbs dumbbell bench 3x10 @ 12lbs dumbbell chest flys 3 x 30 sec wall sit Today - Warmed up with ATG bodyweight squats and those weren't too bad Then I added…
  • This has happened to me too, but sadly it wasn't just was underpants. Do what ya gotta do sometimes! I didn't have time to go home and change. Oh well, not the end of the world, just took a shower when I got home and changed into fresh undies and jammies
  • Sorry to hear you are still sick @dawnembers. No fun. Presentation went well, and you are right @missholidayGolightly - the reason *I* was presenting was because I know my s**t, I just had to remind myself of that a few times. Now onto catching up on real work since the meeting ran over 5 hours yesterday!
  • I have a presentation today in front of the big boss. (He has come all the way over from Norway for meetings, I am in the US). Needless to say I am not a fan of public speaking. At first it was presenting my department to just a smaller group, maybe 8 people, but now it may be company wide, so closer to 40 people. SO…
  • Jealous of all this greatness in here! Still nursing my lower back. I seem to be ok standing, but as soon as I sit (couch, desk chair, anywhere) I tighten up. Grrr... Hope to be back at it sooner than later :-)
  • Same here, been lifting since early August and my OHP ranges from 45-55lbs depending on the day. But Squats and Deads...I have been killing those! I also lift while eating a deficit and I try really hard to get in my protein. I am currently set to 124g of protein a day. I guarantee at least 30g of it with a protein shake,…
  • Me and you both! And I am loving the new friends I have been making here in the group!
  • I will have to try this. Been playing around with accessory work but still find myself a little lost after my 5x5 or 3x5 is done.
  • Going through the same here with lower back. I am resting through tomorrow/Sunday and hope to do another routine with hubby over the weekend if its feeling better. About meeting friends @crabada, I think as we get older its is about the hardest thing ever!! I am finding it easier with kids now that the one is older. We…
  • I wasn't sure if a Feb Misc Chat thread has been started, so I thought I would keep going here... I felt like a stalker this morning at the gym... There are 2 ladies, I am guessing mid forties that workout together. They lift and they do it well! I paused my music for a second and I happened to listen in on their convo and…
  • Apparently I jumped the gun getting back into the gym today... Squats - I barely broke parallel with the bar only before my back was screaming at me, I did half squats to see if it would help stretch things out, but no luck. Just pain! OHP - 1x8 @ 45, 5x5 @‌ BW Dips - 3x12 And a lot of foam rolling. Felt lame only spending…
  • Checking in to say I didn't workout today :-( I tweaked my lower back sometime last week and aggravated it on Saturday when I tried rows. Hoping to get in some cardio while my 5yo is at dance class tonight. Only 5 more weeks till day light savings and I can start jogging outside again (I get home too late and don't jog in…
  • This is from Saturday... I was so excited to do 2 workouts in 1 day. Got up early and did my 5x5 as programmed, but when I started rows my lower back screamed at me! I managed 2 at warm up weight and had to stop. Squats - 5x5 @‌ 105lbs BP - 5x5 @‌ - 65lbs Tricep pulldowns - 3x12 @‌ 20lbs Bicep Curls 3x10 @‌ Came home to do…