maroonmango211 Member


  • My son lent me a Tshirt with a logo of our favourite hockey team because he said I didn't have one and needed one for family pictures so we all match...... but I think that's a little different, he's a 9 year old boy and I was just surprised and a little happy it is able to fit me.. In terms of if I was to give something…
  • I am in the same boat, I actually see my specialist for the first time tomorrow (been waiting almost 4 months) but am worried the only suggestion they will have is a boat load of pharmaceuticals that will just mask symptoms and possibly create others. Personally I find that taking my vit D and fish oils religiously helps…
  • Way to go, such an inspiration! My man has finally joined me on my mission for health and fitness and I'm so happy we're now doing it together. Its great for both motivation and support, hope someday soon we can post our joint success too! Congratz, you guys have had great success!!
  • Honestly the only advice I have is if your current doctor/s aren't giving you what you see is a reliable answer, find another doctor. I have an elevated heart rate (85-90 resting) and have a doctor that works with me to figure out what is safe and not safe, and its only getting better as I work on my fitness. I am hesitant…
  • I always ask myself 'is the juice worth the squeeze?" As in, are the calories and lack of nutrients worth the taste. Most of the time, my answer is no.... I'd be better off making a burger at home or piling some cheese, beef and veg on some chips and baking my own nachos or putting in the effort to make my own al fredo…
  • When gaining Cheese grater Cork screw Pizza stone
  • Good luck! I did it last week and loved it, just as much if not more than the last two free 5 day challenges. Tomorrow I start their first FBfit 8 week program, super excited for it if its anywhere near as fun to go through as the challenges have been!
  • Fluid measuring cups and measuring spoons for most liquids. There's a huge selection out there of scales, some have bowls with them or are fancy looking. Mine litteraly looks like a simple glass flat plate with a small screen. It's touch sensitive to turn on and to change and reset weight (oz, grams etc), oh and it's neon…
  • It has been one of the most useful kitchen tools I've picked up in the last years for sure. Without it, portions of anything but liquids are just estimates and for things that are higher calorie (like starches, butters, spreads and condiments) we can very easily over estimate enough to put us in the red. It's probably one…
  • All depends on how many calories I have left, I log the toppings first (usually olive oil, garlic powder, seasoning salt, onion powder, parsley and paprika or chili powder for some heat) and then I use the food scale to weigh out how much raw potato I should cut based on how many grams will fit in my allowance. If my man…
  • Rice cakes (either white cheddar or with a little peanut butter (or soy butter if you're avoiding nut products) jam or chocolate spread on top, snap peas, greek yogurt, fruit salad (especially melon), oven baked potato wedges, scrambled eggs with veggies thrown in, oatmeal.
  • I hear you about the baby weight and leftover pooch, as well as the insecurities but I'm actually on the opposite side of it . I really got back into health and fitness almost 2 years ago when my youngest finally started sleeping through the night. While I started getting more fit and healthy my man changed positions at…
  • I use to weigh in ever day, just to see fluctuation and log the trending average but it just became too stressful, especially around shark week and made me really lose motivation. Now I weigh in once a month a few days after 'that time' because I know hormones are least likely to make the reading wonky. Not only am I much…
  • Haha, up until recently my hubby used to make fun of me for taking so long picking stuff, now that he's counting calories and macros he totally gets the pain! It can really be an eye opener realizing how small a lot of portion sizes are on packaged foods. It also explains a lot why people's logging isn't accurate due to…
  • Definitely, especially if you've been a little extra stressed to begin with all those hormones can really do a number on your body (and on the number on the scale). If you're still logging accurately and still staying in a deficit through the cravings and stress though it should all go back to normal in a few days.…
  • Without enough information, all anyone can do is guess. First off, are you trying to lose weight/inches? If so, how long have you been at it? Have you been eating at or around the recommended daily calories? Are you constipated or gassy? Did you eat a lot of sodium recently? Is it close to 'that time' of the month? I know…
  • This is also pretty much what I do. The week before makes my cravings go crazy for sweets so during the day for breakfast, lunch and supper I stick to light and super healthy to let myself give in a little in the evenings for the chocolate, icecream and candy I crave. It's not the healthiest plan, but it works and keeps me…
  • While the doctors still haven't settled on my diagnosis yet ( they're in between some type of arthritis and lupus along with hormonal imbalances) I have been eating 99% gluten free other than a horrible two weeks back in October, suggested by a nutritionist when I wanted to stop taking migraine meds. I find it really helps…
  • I use a quinoa crust for my pizza its bizzar and I swear I never thought it would work but for thin crust pizza it works great and i dont have to worry about my ibs acting up so its win win Generally though I stick…
  • Awesome job, a real difference!
  • I lost 0.5 lbs (after being stalled for 3 months) go figure, thats all a fluke and probably only because we were so busy we ended up eating very light by accident. My hubby lost almost 3 lbs over the 2 weeks but a little more purposely, he was in a 'who can gain the least" contest at work, he won!
  • Have you tried making a turkey/tuna/chicken etc salad kind of mix for your sandwiches where you can control the sodium amount, or just cook up some turkey breasts and slice or shred at home to use in place of the 'loafs' of it at the deli?
  • I began to feel different after a couple weeks, clothes fit better and i felt stronger but I didn't really SEE it until I started having to buy new clothes. Seeing my new body in old clothes just didn't cut it. It's also mostly in pictures that I see it and rarely in the mirror, probably because its gradual enough that…
  • My favorite thing to do with dill is make fresh cucumber salad. Peeled thin sliced cucumber green onion dill white vinager water salt pepper tiny bit of sugar to cut the tartness mixed all together and placed in the fridge for a couple hours to saturate. YUM
  • When I was pregnant even in the first trimester it really effected my stamina and muscle strength I had to both lower the intensity of my workouts as well as drop the weight I used for lifting and by the third trimester I had to stop completely (due to separate pregnancy complications). If your doctor OKs you for general…
  • I logged it as circuit training general at first until I got a heart rate monitor and created my own workout for each level using the calories it estimated. The first time around I did the shred again then started insanity (until I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd) This last time (and final time) starting again I got…
  • I lost my first 10 lbs doing my first round of 30 ds and using myfitness pal to log my food and exercise calories. At such a deficit, such a little time and using lighter weights/higher reps there is no way you're going to get muscle WEIGHT from Jillian Michaels dvds. You might have a tad of water retention in recently…
  • A lot of people that start dieting and eating more vegetables and whole grains deal with fiber overload, especially when it's mixed with not getting enough water in. Are you constipated and gassy too? Does it dissapear by morning (or really after any longer time period between eating)? When you make major changes to your…
  • has a ton of videos (I think 28 weeks worth). It's completely free and they are on youtube though only accessible through their site. This is where I really got into my kettlebells because I like the motivation of doing it 'along' with people and now I just use their printouts or create my own with…
  • I've had 3 kids and carried them all really low creating some discomfort.... Mine didn't bother me for a while either but now seem to make a monthly appearance around my 'time'. At first I thought it was related to my IBS or lifting too much or something but apparently it's the pressure of my oh so wonderful uterus. My…