Wow! I've recently started using kale in my smoothies...yummy! I was very surprised at how flavorless the kale can be. I discovered that you should freeze it after washing it, so when you blend it, it pretty much shatters like glass...kinda cool. This is the one I've been doing: 3 leaves kale, washed and frozen 1 cup water…
Well, I checked mine out and all of my numbers come out...almost...I have a spare 2 calories per day. But...I can only assume that the problem with your numbers is what some have said, that the information in the database is not accurate. I know I've searched for foods in the database and have gotten quite varying amounts…
It makes me wonder if they've actually taken into account the amount of calories in carbs, protein and fat when they come up with your daily recommended intake. Hmmmm...I'm going to do a little investigating on my own numbers...I'll be back!
I just LOVE the diet police. I recently had a co-worker give me a lecture on healthy eating, as he pointed out that I could "lose at least 100 pounds". I couldn't believe that ANYONE would have the nerve to stand there, someone that I don't even know that well, or ever open up to about anything, and he says that to me. For…
There are two problems here: 1. When you cook them from frozen, you are having to overcook the outside to get the inside cooked (especially if you are leaving them in their original shape/size). 2. You are leaving them in their original shape/size... I would suggest pounding them with a meat mallet (which means you'll need…
I agree with Tabbychiro that the app is a great way to log. One great thing about myfitnesspal is that I, personally, have only had to add a few items that I couldn't find in their database. That means less entering and more finding! Of course, once it's entered, it's there. Give yourself more time to get used to the setup…
My personal favorite that I try to have every morning: 1 cup milk 1 whole banana 2 cups spinach 1 tbsp. ground flax 1 tbsp. ground oat bran 2 large ice cubes I put all into my Magic Bullet blender and it comes out creamy and smooth! The ice cubes make it nice and cold and also water it down a bit so it's not too sweet from…
Welcome aboard! I can attest to the fact that myfitnesspal is an AMAZING tool to help with weight loss. I am a major overeater but I hadn't realized just how MUCH I was overeating until I saw the numbers when I started using myfitnesspal on my iPhone. Wow! It really opened my eyes. Even when I was eating healthy, I was…