New member

fieldhockey87 Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Betsy Cox and I'm 21 years old. This will really help me to be healthier
and to lose weight, so I can fit into smaller clothes and feel better about myself.
I tried looking for free places so I could track my foods to see which foods to eat.
Also how to choose healthy foods to meet my calorie needs and see how much
fat, carbs, protein, cholesterol, and fiber I'm eating in a day. When one of my friends
told me about this website and said it was free, I joined and really love it and use it
every day and forever in my life.

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Welcome!! This is pretty awesome....yet it still takes your efforts to enter what you are doing. For me that helps because you have to pay attention to what you are eating to keep the fitnesspal monster happy. ha! Stay with it love and you will feel awesome!!!

  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Welcome!! This is pretty awesome....yet it still takes your efforts to enter what you are doing. For me that helps because you have to pay attention to what you are eating to keep the fitnesspal monster happy. ha! Stay with it love and you will feel awesome!!!

  • lurtle
    lurtle Posts: 9
    Welcome aboard!

    I can attest to the fact that myfitnesspal is an AMAZING tool to help with weight loss.
    I am a major overeater but I hadn't realized just how MUCH I was overeating until I saw the numbers when I started using myfitnesspal on my iPhone.
    Wow! It really opened my eyes. Even when I was eating healthy, I was eating too much.
    Good luck to you and welcome!
  • Hello.. this siteis awesome and really makes you work and reflect on your food and exercise bible. I am on this site more than FB, that is saying something. Good Luck and keep the faith
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