

  • Dried fruit has a TON more sugar per serving than eating a fresh fruit. Think about 20 grapes, and 20 raisins, to get the same amount of satisfaction from the raisins you'd need to eat a lot more than the grapes - the volume just isn't there! Same thing with fruit juice. I love apples with peanut butter, fruit, fibre and…
  • my nutritionist explained it like this.......add sugar to water and what happens? Eventually it gets saturated and viscous, right? Think of your blood as water, thin, flows nicely ect, add sugar to it (refined carbs, sugar, white flour, that kind of thing) and it gets slow, and thick. If your blood is slow and thick, it's…
  • I would LOVE to be a part of this group! I'm just a newbie, today is my 2nd day, but I feel soooo ready for this!
  • I quit smoking 5 years ago, and my hubby just quit last October, HOPEFULLY we can "quit" the weight together now! Congratulations on quitting, I know it's a really hard thing to do