

  • Your body weight is naturally going to fluctuate day to day. There is nothing wrong with weighing everyday to understand this. A lot of the fluctuation is due to water retention. After exercising, your muscles demand extra water to recover, and you'll drop it later. That is natural and not damaging. Just don't get…
  • I'm a college professor, and I see students with a lot of unhealthy habits. Here are my thoughts: 1-Certainly enjoy college, but drink in moderation. Work drinks into your weekly diet. 2-High calorie starbucks drinks and pastries can pack on the pounds. 3-Beware of the dining hall. They generally have healthy choices…
  • i eat Romaine everyday with few exceptions, mostly for salads. But, Romaine is just the base of the salad, and I mix up what I add to the salad so I do not get bored. My favourite additions are spicy wontons and boiled eggs and olives. But you can add meats, nuts, fruits, and many other things to a salad. If you're still…
  • dried blueberries are nice, if you can find them without added sugars. fresh raspberries and blackberries have very few calories, but i'm not sure I'd say they're very chewy. jerky, if you like it.
  • www.bricklink.com is very addicting.
    in LEGOS Comment by ferretwembley June 2013