

  • I can't say whether it helped me lose weight because I was on mega fertility drugs when I was on Metformin. I can say that the fertility drugs finally worked though! Twins :) I think the Metformin was the key because we had been trying different fertility combinations for several years when they added Metformin.
    in Metformin Comment by ssb179 August 2012
  • Hey there. I am new to the group also. I was diagnosed ten years ago after trying to get pregant unsuccessfully. Apprently PCOS runs in our family. I have two beautiful twins though that are seven now and these days I just need to get my weight under control. What was the tip I saw in this conversation about taking the…
  • I'm trying the calorie counting this time but just started and I don't know yet how well it will work. The very best result I ever had with losing weight was when WW had a program where you did not count Points but there were limits on simple carbs. You could still have one small baked potato daily as an example, but no…