KatieLouiseIzzard Member


  • I tore my anterior cruiate ligament in my left knee just over a year ago...as someone has said before me, strengthening the muscles around your knees is key, and low impact exercises like yoga, Pilates, swimming and cycling (if your knees can take it!) I still do strengthening exercises on my knees even though I've had no…
  • OP, I'm also 23 and suffered from an ED in my teens. When I started eating food again, the weight came on so fast, which was horrible, because it was my biggest fear!! When I wanted to lose the weight I'd gained I was worried that weighing food would be an issue, but I find it actually 'comforts' me. I know what I'm…
  • I was 'spanked' as a child, my younger brothers were not. I watched them grown up to be disrespectful little s**ts with no respect for my parents or any authority figure (teachers, police offers etc). Of course the punishment had to fit the crime...sometimes we were grounded, or had a toy confiscated for a set period of…
  • Hi, I'm Katie, Living in Liverpool, was in Chester before doing a degree. I'm 23 years old and am only looking to tone up, but still need major motivation to keep going :)
  • 5'2, log everyday and am super motivated (trying to fit into a lovely dress I bought for graduation (if it doesn't fit I go naked!)). Feel free to add me :)
  • I agree with this. I've seen loads of people criticising others for eating 1200 cals, but as a 5'2'' 121lbs female I find it hard to even get all of those because I'm just so full. And I dont starve myself either, I have three solid meals a day.
  • The only time I get weighed is when I go to the doctors for my check up every six months. Other than that I use my clothes and the trusty measuring tape as a guide. Different substances weigh more than others, so scales can be off by a lot on any given day and time. I always take the numbers with a pinch of salt.
  • I'm new to this site and the whole 'Stravation Mode' thing did get me a little worried, so I did some research (wiki is not good for this as anyone with access to the internet can post there), spoke to some friends of mine whom have just finished a degree on Nutrition and sport and all in all I came to a conclusion.…