

  • To those who have this, could you skip the computer downloading/subscription and just see on your phone 1. How many calories you're burning during your workout (and a total for the workout to enter to MFP), and 2. How many you burned for the whole day, and enter the calorie total into some other program?
  • Oh, and I totally agree I do have a specific body type, but it's one I love and can't wait to get back to... even when I was a 98lb 20 year old, and could eat ANYTHING I wanted without gaining an ounce, I had my awesome bubble butt and curvy hips and thighs, and I'm happy that no matter how "tight" I get my body, I'll…
  • Yeah, that's very true, but only 2 1/2 years ago, I worked my way down to size 2/4, with the same post babies body I have now, so I know it's possible. I'm just totally kicking myself now for getting too "comfortable", letting go of the workouts and letting it all slide :P
  • Thanks for the info... I'm learning a lot in this thread :)
  • Thanks SO much, this is encouraging :) I lost a lot of weight fairly quickly and easily, using the same home exercise and portion control, about 2 1/2 years ago, starting at 140 and ending up in a size 2/4 jean with a better body than I had BEFORE my 7 and 5 year olds, so I KNOW I can physically do it. But this time, after…
  • Thanks, yeah I LOVE lower body strength training and have a bunch of workouts geared to that, and always add ankle weights when I do cardio... I do upper body too, but it's not my focus, just something I make myself do to keep a well-rounded, full body approach.
  • It's funny, but my arms feel/look just as flabby to me, but my butt and thighs seem noticeably tighter. I do see a difference in my face though, which is GREAT, but not 11 lbs worth ;)
  • From what I've read, the only TRULY accurate way to know if you are gaining muscle, without fancy lab tests, is if you gain strength, which I definitely have. I am using higher weights every few weeks, able to weight train for longer periods and it takes much more to fatigue my muscles than when I started.
  • Thanks for the great advice everyone :) Now just a follow up question... all my workouts are at home, with a wide variety of DVDs and the basic accessories (weights, blocks, mats, resistance bands and tubes, etc). I have no "real" equipment at all, and am trying to figure out what kind of moderate or more cardio I can do…